quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2015

The torus as a flow process

The torus as a flow process exhibits a set of characteristis that 
evolution biologist, Elisabet Sahtouris
has identified as 
features and principles of healthy living systems.

Through her study of living systems (ecosystems, for example), she has observed that when these features are present, the system is balanced and whole.
When these features become compromised or absent, the system goes out of balance and becomes dysfunctional and corrupted to the point that it will either collapse completely, transform into a new balanced state, or restore its balance again by restoring the appropriate presence and functioning of these features.

The features of healthy living systems that Sahtouris identified are:

  1. Self-creation (autopoiesis)

  2. Complexity (diversity of parts)

  3. Embeddedness in larger holons and dependence on them (holarchy)

  4. Self-reflexivity (autognosis/self-knowledge)

  5. Self-regulation/maintenance (autonomics)

  6. Response-ability to internal and external stress or other change

  7. Input/output exchange of matter/energy/information with other holons

  8. Transformation of matter/energy/information

  9. Empowerment/employment of all component parts

10. Communications among all parts

11. Coordination of parts and functions

12. Balance of Interests negotiated among parts, whole, and embedding holarchy

13. Reciprocity of parts in mutual contribution and assistance

14. Efficiency balanced by Resilience

15. Conservation of what works well

16. Creative change of what does not work well

As Sahtouris herself states on her website, these features apply “from cells to organisms, ecosystems to Earth, bodies to businesses.”

It is in understanding the unique roles and coordinated wholeness of these features and principles that we can evaluate and restore the dynamic balanced flow within all of our human-contrived systems such as economics, education, health, governance, communications, etc. Each of these, when functioning in a healthy manner, will exhibit characteristics of a torus flow process, and will naturally then interconnect and mutually empower each other in a larger toroidal system that is the synergetic wholeness of all of them combined.

Resonance, Energy and Consciousness

"All things, material and spiritual, originate from one source and are related as if they were one family. 
The past, present, and future are all contained in the life force. 
The universe emerged and developed from one source, and we evolved through the optimal process of unification and harmonization."

 Morihei Ueshiba
in, The Art of Peace

Unification and harmonization…
This is the threshold of evolution we find ourselves at now at a new level of global dynamics and complexity. We have built systems of technologies, economies, governance, education, etc, that do not properly account for the features of healthy living systems. As such, they are reaching the end of their viability and are either going to collapse or become balanced and whole at a higher level or organization and coherence. The choice we have now — perhaps the only viable option — is to align these systems with what we now understand is the way the cosmos creates healthy and sustainable systems… cosmomimicry, as David McConville, president of the Buckminster Fuller Institute, coined it.

Fundamentally, what we are operating from is the principle and tangible effects of resonance. 
The Unified Field has an infinite potential of energy and creativity.
It expresses this as physical and metaphysical phenomena — energy and consciousness — in a continuous and ever evolving flow.

The most balanced, coherent, self-generating and self-sustaining form of dynamic flow is the torus. 

By creating technologies (for example, what are called free-energy devices) and systems that mimic this flow we engender a synchronizing resonance with the cosmic patterning of life and tap into a resource of energy and creativity that is abundant beyond measure.
We can do this personally by learning how to become centered in and embody the torus flow dynamic of our own energy beings (which stabilizes and integrates our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual “bodies”).

We can do this collectively by understanding that this same dynamic extends into the balanced flow of information and resources throughout local, regional and continental societies.
And we can do this technologically by resonating with the fundamental structure of the Unified Field and setting up a harmonic flow form that taps its infinite energy potential in a clean, safe and balanced manner.

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