sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2020

Reptilians...The Lizard People


Place of Origin: The Draconian beings originally came from another universe after the universe already created stars and planets and the Avian and Feline races were already developing here billions of years ago. They established themselves in the Draco and Orion constellation regions and then set out to conquer other worlds.

Dimensional Perspectives:  Exist from 3D on up to 12D

Appearance: The original Reptilian master race is Draconian, which have the form of Dragons.  They are huge winged beings of immense power.  There are now many forms of Reptilian beings in the universe.  Some are fully reptilian, and some are human reptilian hybrids.

Evolution:  The Draconian race came in small numbers after this universe was formed.  They found and opened the gateway that is in the Lyran Constellation.  They were a renegade group whose motives were to find new lands to conquer and to multiply.  They became a menace to many evolving worlds and did not abide by limits of interference set by creator beings and angelic consciousness.  The Reptilians developed a disturbing reputation in this universe.  But, the Draconian Royal lineage has since evolved to a high stature and they cooperate in guiding creation in the universe.  There are many Reptilian races that are still war like and a bit rough.  While others have evolved to find the power within their heart centers and are a powerful positive force in creating new civilizations.

Qualities: Strength, stamina, intense, influential, bold and aggressive, refined instincts, builders, honorable, brave, loyal, protective.  Beneath the tough skin they have hearts of gold when they activate this from within. Prone to outbursts of sentiment that can be overwhelming to other races.

Abilities:  They tend to see advantages in all situations and can strategize ways to effectively complete any goal. Instincts are acute.  They sense motives and some say they smell fear and weakness, but also strengths.  Many species are only crudely telepathic, if at all, thus they often depend on telepathic translators in their galactic dealings. But, again, their instinctual prowess serves them well. They also can energetically shapeshift into other beings.

Specialties: Reptilians will get the job done no matter what it takes.  They are social builders and can see how talents can best be used to accomplish tasks.  They establish effective hierarchies and rules to make teams succeed.  Higher dimensional Reptilians are called upon to bring order and direction to common pursuits.  They bring loyalty and sense of duty to endeavors.

Basic Needs: Respect and Order.  Reptilians generally need others to respect their strength and instincts. They have strong desires to bring order out of chaos.

Focus: Bringing spirit of accomplishment, duty, loyalty, courage and order to all situations.  Evolving Reptilians seek to reveal the strength within their hearts and to use this power to elevate projects.

Involvement with Earth: The Draconian race created the Dinosaurs on Earth.  They were an early experiment in for Gaia consciousness.   Then it was agreed by universal councils that there was time for new life to blossom on Earth, but that reptiles would remain in smaller forms. Much later, after humans were evolved in sentience, a 4D Reptilian race became involved in enslaving human beings to do their bidding and there was some genetic mixing that occurred without permission from guardians of Earth.  This race and other Reptilian beings are trying to rectify this mistake now.  Earth humans still have Reptilian DNA.  It is hoped that the positive aspects of this can be strengthened in the race. Much of the overly aggressive and militant behaviors of humans came from these genes that were not planned for. There is also much resentment and negative influence from this early Reptilian influence that exists energetically in the astral field of Earth and human collective consciousness.

Guide for Humanity: Crestonia (12D Draconian Queen)

Star seeds: The Reptilians souls on Earth today are often from 5D evolved races that are here to remedy the negative influences from past reptilian beings.  They are heart centered with a profound power to use their loyalty and sense of duty to awaken unconditional love on Earth.  Hidden beneath what may appear to be guarded nature, lies a huge capacity to transcend differences and find acceptance for all walks of life. These souls are often leaders in whatever they do.  They make wonderful group coordinators and event organizers and will usually finish what they start.  They can come across too strong or boisterous, and some may say arrogant.  But again, when they let down the guard that covers their heart, they reveal an amazing gift that allows them to see the love and talents of others and lead them to accomplish great things. These souls are often attracted to politics, community groups, the military, corporate structures, building contracting, or anything that makes use of their skills to organize, lead and build something.  However, even if they do solitary activities, such as writing a book, they will give it sound structure and will gather everything they need with diligence and internal heart. Note that some can see the Reptilian soul within these humans and will think they are shapeshifting.  Since humans have Reptilian DNA it is easy for these souls to incarnate within the human form and their true appearance can be seen by some.

Michelle Walling

Reptilianos, também chamados de reptoids, povo lagarto, reptiloids, saurians e Draconians

Milhares de anos atrás, os seres reptilianos [das constelações Orion, Sirius e Draco] estiveram no planeta Terra e começaram a cruzar com os humanos. Não fisicamente, mas através da manipulação da codificação humana, ou DNA. Icke afirma que não é coincidência que os seres humanos tenham genética réptil fundamental dentro do seu cérebro.

Traços de humanoides Reptilianos:
  • pressão sanguínea baixa
  • visão ou audição aguçada
  • fascinação pelo espaço e pela ciência
  • olhos penetrantes
  • um sentimento de não pertencer à raça humana
  • habilidades físicas e psíquicas
  • cicatrizes inexplicáveis ​​no corpo
  • capacidade de provocar falhas em aparelhos eléctricos
  • sangue Rh- 


The World Is Controlled by a Group of Elite Reptiles

The basis the “Reptilian Elite” theory is that in ancient times a group of advanced reptiles from the Alpha Draconis star system came to Earth and infiltrated the governments of the ancient civilizations in order to control all the humans and enslave them and became their rulers and bred with other humans to form crossbreeds so that their DNA can infiltrate the minds of humans.
With their DNA inside our systems they can control us by making us dumber, slower, and weaker and therefore easier to control.

Evidence for this reptilian DNA in us comes from the fact that in the early stages, developing embryos look a lot like reptiles and could be classified as such.

Furthermore, the oldest parts of our brain which control the most primal functions and instincts is called the “reptilian brain” because it is made of of the structures that the reptilian brain consists of which are the brainstem and cerebellum.
However, these could just be the result of the fact that we originally evolved from reptiles as they were the first animals that existed on earth so naturally we would have parts of our body that are similar to theirs.

Another piece of evidence for this theory comes from the fact that many religions in ancient civilizations depict some sort of reptilian god or goddess which supports David Icke’s theory that these reptilian beings once ruled in the open and created impossible structures such as the Pyramids of Egypt. Although this may make sense at first, it is easily debunked because ancient civilizations also had gods that took form of other animals aside from reptiles such as the ancient Egyptian god Anubis who is depicted as a man with a jackal head.

A more recent piece of evidence for this theory comes from a video of Justin Bieber in which his eyes seem to shift and turn reptile-like. Believers of this conspiracy explain that this is because it is hard for these reptiles to keep their true selves hidden through the camera, but if this was the case and the influence of the Reptilian Elite was so pervasive then we could see many more instances of celebrities shape-shifting on camera.
This could have simply been the result of a glitch or camera malfunction.

Joy Pan

Lizard people are cold-blooded humanoid reptilians who have the power to shape-shift into human form. According to David Icke, a new-age philosopher and one of the most prominent theorists in the lizard people game, these creatures have had their claws in humankind since ancient time, and world leaders like Queen Elizabeth, all of earth’s royal families, George W. Bush, the Clintons, Obama, Donald Rumsfeld, Donald Trump, Putin, Madonna, Katy Perry and Angelina Jolie, Mark Zuckerberg, etc...they are all lizard people.

They are our leaders, our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning singers, and they're responsible for the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombings and the 9/11 attacks ... at least according to former BBC sports reporter David Icke.
Icke even claims that the lizards are behind secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati.

They use holographic technology to disguise themselves as everyday humans, and often rise to high levels of power in order to manipulate the masses.

He also cites political events such as the destabilization of the Middle East by Western powers as an intentional move to create fear and violence and social media as an experiment in surveillance and supplement to artificial intelligence (Oksman).
This is where many of Icke’s beliefs start to make sense in some capacity – there is objective accuracy to the initial aspects of many of his claims.
Western governments have indeed destabilized Middle Eastern ones through the supply of arms and monetary support, and it is common knowledge that governments around the world use social media activity and pinging as part of their surveillance activities. 

He has also been “correct” about some very broad predictions about sociopolitical events, yet so were many pundits who made claims about military or political actions without an attached reptilian belief system.

Bill Bain

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