quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2020

Opting Out of Totalitarian Agendas

  • I am happy to wear a mask, stay home if I'm feeling unwell, & take high dose liposomal vitamin C to support my immune system.
  • I will never take a coronavirus vaccine.
  • I will never show anyone an antibody "certificate."
  • I will never wear a bracelet or allow a chip into my body.

If we all opt out, totalitarianism crumbles in just a few days.

We opt out with our energy. With our minds and also by pushing back whenever we have the opportunity.

We opt out by speaking calmly with facts rather than from a reactive emotional place. The truth is the most powerful thing that we can align with and it will exhaust and destroy all lies if we can hold it strongly within.

We opt out by not allowing chaos to spin us out of our centre. No matter how bothered we are, we can take time to ground and centre. By having regular meditation and self care practices to re-centre when we feel overwhelmed. There is no situation that is improved by panic and fear.

We opt out by facing our own shadows that rise during this time. Knowing that we don't have to be perfect and that we can work with our shadow, our wounded self, to create integration. Times of chaos always bring up our deepest fears and repressed thoughts and emotions. It is that integrative work that creates a new foundation in the world.

We opt out by supporting people who are speaking up creating one loud coherent voice.

We opt out by being patient with others who are not initiated into the difficult truths about the world we live in. Waking up is incredibly difficult. We can be firm in our truth but also understanding.

We opt out by not being afraid to share our truth. Your truth is needed now more than ever. Your voice matters, greatly. Your opinion is important. There are diplomatic ways to get to the roots of even the most challenging, confusing times. It is the practice of sharing our heart, our voice, that creates a higher society.

How do you opt out?
Or shall I say, opt in to your power during these times?

Tony Rogers

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