sábado, 19 de novembro de 2016

Ancient Egypt And The Alternative Story Of Mankind's Origins

"An example of the incredible levels of precise symmetry achieved by the ancient Egyptians... do you think this could have been done by hand?

By hand is impossible.
And if you think how precise the great pyramid is it looks obvious to me the ancient egyptians had some serious technology we're not aware of, maybe even more advanced than what we have today."

Nassim Haramein

Recomendo verem este documentário:
 "Ancient Egypt And The Alternative Story Of Mankind's Origins"

The development and testing of hypotheses on extraterrestrial life is known as "exobiology" or "astrobiology", although astrobiology also considers Earth-based life in its astronomical context.
Many scientists consider extraterrestrial life plausible, but there is no direct evidence of its existence. Since the mid-20th century, there has been an ongoing search for signs of
extraterrestrial life, from radios used to detect possible extraterrestrial signals, to telescopes used to search for potentially habitable extrasolar planets. It has also played a major
role in works of science fiction. Over the years, science fiction works, especially Hollywood's involvement, has increased the public's interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Some encourage aggressive methods to try and get in contact with life in outer space, while others argue that it might be dangerous to actively call attention to Earth. In the past, the clash
between civilized culture and indigenous people has not gone well.

On 13 February 2015, scientists (including Geoffrey Marcy, Seth Shostak, Frank Drake and David Brin) at a convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, discussed Active
SETI and whether transmitting a message to possible intelligent extraterrestrials in the Cosmos was a good idea; one result was a statement, signed by many, that a "worldwide scientific,
political and humanitarian discussion must occur before any message is sent".

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