sábado, 12 de junho de 2021

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

One of the main reasons 
people talk poorly 
about their past 
is because their present life 
isn’t working.

 Living in the past also validates all the traumas & betrayals we’ve had in our life. 

What most people don’t realize, however, is that when we excuse ourselves for what someone did or something that happened to us, we give away our power to that person, thing, or event in the past, and as a result, we give away our power and ability to change.

 Let’s face it, we’ve all had traumas, shocks, and betrayals in our life which have created strong emotional charges; the stronger the emotional reaction you have to someone or something, the more you pay attention to the cause. 

When something with such a strong emotional quotient occurs in our life, the brain freezes the scene and takes a snapshot of the event. Now the picture becomes holographically embossed in our neural circuitry. This is the normal process of how a long-term memory is created. 

Our problems begin when we continuously think within the boundaries of that past experience’s circuitry and feel within the chemicals of that past emotion. 
When we think and feel for long enough within the confines of the event’s neurochemistry, it ultimately becomes our state of being. 

That’s because thoughts are the language of the brain 
and feelings are the language of the body. 
And how we think and how we feel 
creates our state of being.

If you wake up in the morning and start to think about your problems, the moment you think about the memory of that problem, you’re thinking in the past. 
Since each memory has an emotion associated with it, the moment you feel that emotion, the body is now in the past. As a result, when you feel unhappy, frustrated, sad, or deflated from the memories of your problems, your body doesn’t know the difference between the real life event or the memory that is creating those emotions. If those negative emotions are driving your thoughts, and you can’t think greater than how you feel, you are thinking in the past.

Becoming aware 

is the first step to breaking this cycle.

Joe Dispenza

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