quinta-feira, 2 de março de 2023



Both wishes and commitments are important and serve a unique role.

We make a wish when we don’t have an answer, or when a resolution is not within our reach. If we want something, but don’t know how to get it, we make a wish. If we’ve tried everything humanly possible, and we haven’t got the expected results - we leave it to the Universe, and make a wish. 

There is a lot of power in setting intentional wishes. When we make a wish, we basically take ourselves out of the equation. We accept that the answer is beyond our reach. We leave everything in the hands of the universe. 

A commitment is different. 
When we make a commitment, 
we commit ourselves to an outcome. 
We know that it’s us taking action that 
will get us the results we want. 

If we want to lose weight, we know that making a wish won’t do it; we need to take actual action: change our diet, do more exercise, or change our lifestyle.

If we want to learn a new skill, we know that we need to clear our schedule for what’s important to us, and show up; we make a commitment to learning and to our future. 

Is an invitation to make a commitment on a desired outcome (the “what”), and at the same time, to keep our options open (the “how”). So we don’t have all the answers. Yet, everything starts with a strong commitment. 

 “I 100% commit myself to achieve (...) your goal. “
I don’t know yet how I will get there, and I might need to try different approaches. But no matter how many times I fail, I will keep my options open, and I will keep trying. I am 100% committed”.

There is something magical about a 100% commitment.

Not 99%, not even 99.9%, but 100%. 
When we are 100% committed, we are all in. 
Failing is not an option. 
When we are 100% committed, we connect ourselves to the fabric of the universe, and the universe begins to conspire in helping us achieve our goal.

in, Astro Butterfly

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