"Uma única coisa é necessária: a solidão. A grande solidão interior. Ir dentro de si e não encontrar ninguém durante horas, é a isso que é preciso chegar. Estar só, como a criança está só."
"O amor é a ocasião única de amadurecer, de tomar forma, de nos tornarmos um mundo para o ser amado. É uma alta exigência, uma ambição sem limites, que faz daquele que ama um eleito solicitado pelos mais vastos horizontes."
"Vivo a minha vida em círculos cada vez maiores que se estendem sobre as coisas. Talvez não possa acabar o último, mas quero tentar."
"Ser amado é consumir-se na chama. Amar, é luzir com uma luz inesgotável. Ser amado é passar; amar é durar."
"O amor é a união de duas solidões que se respeitam."
"O destino não vem do exterior para o homem, ele emerge do próprio homem."
" Quanto é velocidade não será mais do que passado, porque só aquilo que demora nos inicia."
"As obras de arte são de uma solidão infinita: nada pior do que a crítica para as abordar. Apenas o amor pode captá-las, conservá-las, ser justo em relação a elas."
"Nunca te esqueças de formular o teu desejo. Creio que não se cumprem, mas há desejos a longo prazo que duram toda a vida, de modo que não se podia esperar o seu cumprimento."
"Basta... sentir que se poderia viver sem escrever para não mais se ter o direito de fazê-lo."
"Na vida não há aulas para principiantes, exigem-nos logo o mais difícil."
"Uma obra de arte é boa quando nasceu por necessidade."
"Quero lhe implorar
Para que seja paciente
Com tudo o que não está resolvido em seu coração e tente amar.
As perguntas como quartos trancados e como livros escritos em língua estrangeira.
Não procure respostas que não podem ser dadas porque não seria capaz de vivê-las. E a questão é viver tudo. Viva as perguntas agora.
Talvez assim, gradualmente, você sem perceber, viverá a resposta num dia distante."
"Não busque por enquanto respostas que não lhe podem ser dadas, porque não as poderia viver.
Viva por enquanto as perguntas. Talvez depois, aos poucos, sem que o perceba, num dia longínquo, consiga viver as respostas.
Desejo que encontre bastante paciência em si para suportar e bastante simplicidade para crer; que confie cada vez mais no que é difícil, entre outras coisas na sua solidão. No restante deixe a vida acontecer. Acredite-me : a vida tem razão em todos os casos.
Toda dúvida pode se tornar uma qualidade se a educarmos..."
"Ser amado é consumir-se na chama. Amar é luzir com uma luz inesgotável. Ser amado é passar; amar é durar."
"Uma única coisa é necessária: a solidão. A grande solidão interior. Ir dentro de si e não encontrar ninguém durante horas, é a isso que é preciso chegar. Estar só, como a criança está só."
"Os homens, com o auxílio das convenções, têm resolvido tudo com facilidade e pelo lado mais fácil da facilidade; mas é claro que precisamos ater-nos ao difícil."
" O tempo não é uma medida. Um ano não conta, dez anos não representam nada. Ser artista não significa contar, é crescer como a árvore que não apressa a sua seiva e resiste, serena, aos grandes ventos da primavera, sem temer que o verão possa não vir. O verão há de vir. Mas só vem para aqueles que sabem esperar, tão sossegados como se tivessem na frente a eternidade."
"Se o quotidiano lhe parece pobre, não o acuse: acuse-se a si próprio de não ser muito poeta para extrair as suas riquezas."
"O amor é a ocasião única de amadurecer, de tomar forma, de nos tornarmos um mundo para o ser amado. É uma alta exigência, uma ambição sem limites, que faz daquele que ama um eleito solicitado pelos mais vastos horizontes."
"Nada mais que possibilidades. Nada mais que desejos. E, de repente, ser realização, ser verão, ter sol."
"Talvez todos os dragões nas nossas vidas são princesas que estão apenas à espera de nos ver agir, apenas uma vez, com beleza e coragem. Talvez tudo aquilo que nos assusta é, na sua essência mais profunda, algo desamparado que quer o nosso amor."
"Como suportar, como salvar o visível, senão fazendo dele a linguagem da ausência, do invisível?"
" Ser artista significa: não calcular nem contar; amadurecer como uma árvore que não apressa a sua seiva e permanece confiante durante a tempestade da primavera, sem o temor de que o verão não possa vir depois. Ele vem apesar de tudo."
"Sem paz, sem amor, sem teto,
caminho pela vida afora.
Tudo aquilo em que ponho afeto
fica mais rico e me devora."
"Não é só a inércia a responsável pelo fato das relações humanas se repetirem caso após caso indescritivelmente monótonas e viciadas. É a inibição frente a qualquer experiência nova e imprevista com a qual não nos achamos capazes de lidar. Mas só alguém que esteja corajosamente disposto a qualquer coisa, que não exclua nada, nem mesmo o mais enigmático, viverá a relação com o outro como uma experiência viva."
"As coisas estão longe de ser todas tão tangíveis e dizíveis quanto se nos pretenderia fazer crer; a maior parte dos acontecimentos é inexprimível e ocorre num espaço em que nenhuma palavra nunca pisou."
"Amar também é bom: porque o amor é difícil.
O amor de duas criaturas humanas talvez seja a tarefa mais difícil que nos foi imposta, a maior e última prova, a obra para a qual todas as outras são apenas uma preparação. Por isso, pessoas jovens que ainda são estreantes em tudo, não sabem amar: tem que aprendê-lo. Com todo o seu ser, com todas as suas forças concentradas em seu coração solitário, medroso e palpitante, devem aprender a amar. Mas a aprendizagem é sempre uma longa clausura. Assim, para quem ama, o amor, por muito tempo e pela vida afora, é solidão,
isolamento cada vez mais intenso e profundo. O amor, antes de tudo, não é o que se chama entregar-se, confundir-se, unir-se a outra pessoa. Que sentido teria, com efeito, a união com algo não esclarecido, inacabado, dependente? O amor é uma ocasião sublime para o indivíduo amadurecer, tornar-se algo em si mesmo, tornar-se um mundo para si, por causa de um outro ser; é uma grande e ilimitada exigência que se lhe faz, uma escolha e um chamado para longe.
Creio que aquele amor persiste tão forte e poderoso em sua memória justamente por ter sido sua primeira solidão profunda e o primeiro trabalho interior com que moldou a sua vida."
"Não creia que aquele que agora o consola vive despreocupado entre as palavras simples e brandas que às vezes lhe fazem bem. A vida dele tem muitas dificuldades e tristezas e é talvez pior que a sua.
Fosse de outra maneira, ele nunca teria sido capaz de achar aquelas palavras."
"Deixe tudo acontecer a você
Beleza e terror
Apenas continue
Nenhum sentimento é final"
"É tão novo, tão inexperiente ainda perante as coisas, que desejaria pedir-lhe, o melhor que soubesse, uma grande paciência, para tudo que ainda não estiver resolvido no seu coração. Esforce-se para amar as suas próprias dúvidas como se cada uma delas fosse um quarto fechado, um livro escrito em língua estrangeira. Não procure, por enquanto, respostas que não lhe podem ser dadas, porque ainda não saberia pô-las em prática, vivê-las. E trata-se, precisamente de viver tudo. De momento, viva apenas as suas interrogações. Talvez que, simplesmente vivendo-as acabe um dia por penetrar insensivelmente nas respostas."
"Nada a poderia perturbar mais do que olhar para fora e aguardar de fora respostas a perguntas a que talvez somente seu sentimento mais íntimo possa responder na hora mais silenciosa."
"Por isso, caro senhor, ame a sua solidão e a carregue com queixas harmoniosas a dor que ela causa. Diz que os que sente próximos estão longe. Isso mostra que começa a fazer-se espaço ao redor de si. Se o próximo lhe parece longe, os seus longes alcançam as estrelas, são imensos. Alegre-se com esta imensidade, para a qual não pode carregar ninguém consigo. Seja bom para com os que ficarem atrás, mostre-se-lhes calmo e sereno sem os atormentar com suas dúvidas, nem os assustar com uma confiança ou uma alegria que eles não poderão compreender. Procure realizar com eles uma comunhão qualquer, fiel e simples, que não se deverá necessariamente transformar à medida de que o senhor mesmo se transforme. Ame neles a vida sob uma forma estrangeira e tenha indulgência com os homens que, envelhecidos, temem a solidão a que o senhor se confia. Evite dar alimento ao drama sempre pendente entre pais e filhos o qual gasta muita força destes e consome amor daqueles; amor que, embora incompreensivo, age e aquece. Não lhes peça conselho e não conte com a sua compreensão, mas acredite num amor que lhe é conservado como uma herança e fique certo de que há nesse amor uma força e uma bênção a que não se arrancará mesmo se for para muito longe."
"Quem foi que assim nos fascinou para que tivesse um olhar de despedida em tudo o que fazemos."
"Torne o seu ego poroso. A vontade é de pouca importância, reclamar não é nada, a fama não é nada. Abertura, paciência, receptividade, solidão... é tudo."
"Estar sozinho é um verdadeiro elixir, é um estado que impele a doença totalmente à superfície. Primeiro ele deve se tornar ruim, pior, péssimo-não se vai além disso em língua alguma - mas depois fica tudo bem."
Eis o futuro: cidadãos vacinados podem ser infectados e podem transmitir a infecção (tal como os não vacinados), mas vai na mesma haver "certificados digitais covid".
Sabem porquê?
Porque é fundamental distinguir entre portadores do coronavirus vacinados de infectados não-vacinados.
Nesta perigosa gestão política da covid, a discriminação joga um papel essencial - o de criar novas e profundas fracturas sociais, dividir para reinar, atirar o roto contra o nu. No final, alguém que morra contaminado por alguém vacinado não será tão grave nem tão condenável como alguém que adoeça depois de um não-inoculado lhe ter transmitido o virus. Vacinados espalharem a covid é aceitável. Não vacinados fazerem o mesmo?! Nem pensar. Esses são vistos como ameaça a abater.
Ou seja, o passaporte sanitário não resolve nada nem garante sequer o essencial- que o portador está saudável naquele instante. Portanto, o certificado que autoriza a circulação inclusive dentro do país (a versão europeia visa a passagem de fronteiras nacionais apenas), que pretende condicionar até a entrada em lugares públicos ou festas privadas visa criar guetos, enclaves digitais, apartheid.
Serve para separar puros de impuros, cumpridores de irresponsáveis, bons cidadãos de má escória. Segregação.
A stayaway covid não vingou, mas passou a eufemistica Carta dos direitos humanos na Era Digital, trilhando o caminho dos "selos de qualidade", "carimbos de garantia", o sibilar para as tiranias 2.0, armadas até aos dentes com as novas tecnologias, algoritmos, chips.
O Certificado Digital Covid é mais um pontapé na boca dos portugueses que, entre salários de miséria, falências em catadupa, ileteracia científica, overdoses de medo com lavagens cerebrais, apneias de sono e de vigília, já só querem livrarem-se da pressão de amigos e família, que o deixem passar à vontade, ir de férias, não interessa a que preço, se está certo ou errado, quanto das nossas liberdades públicas fica penhorado.
Tem sido assim desde Março de 2020 e assim continuará. Os políticos a mostrarem músculo e punho, a mandar toda a gente para casa com orelhas de burro, a trancar portas, janelas e postigos, a tentar controlar a comunicação social, a regurgitar normas atrás de novas normas patéticas e contraditórias, a rasgar a Constituição e a cuspirem-lhe em cima. Paz à sua alma. Já nem se incomodam em declarar estado de emergência. O estado de direito, passou a ser visto como uma maçada, empecilho que importa arredar lesto como um calhau no caminho.
No fim, com esta novilíngua que vexaria Orwell, armam-se em magnânimos e ainda têm o topete de dizer que o certificado serve para conferir "mais liberdade". Mas é suposto agradecer?! Sublinhe-se que só devolve à liberdade quem a tirou. Em democracia à liberdade é natural, intrínseca, orgânica e consagrada nas leis fundamentais. É um direito humano inalienável. Falar de Liberdade certificada é como falar de alergia acalmante ou de gordura adelgaçante. Um paradoxo. É uma treta.
Eram só quinze dias para achatar a curva e não rebentar o SNS. Depois precisávamos de esperar pela vacina. Agora ela também não é suficiente e levamos ferretes como gado. Qual será o próximo golpe? Vá. Só mais umas semanas. Vai ficar tudo bem.
Joana Amaral Dias
Não fazemos ideia do que é ser verdadeiramente livre porque a liberdade foi definida para nós por um sistema que depende do nosso não ser livre. O nosso verdadeiro potencial como indivíduos - e como espécie - é desconhecido nesta fase da nossa evolução. Mas à medida que as nossas imaginações se abrem, sabemos que tem de ser significativamente mais amoroso e habitável do que a cruel insanidade dos tempos atuais. Por mais bruta que a vida seja no momento atual, a consciência está se expandindo, o certo está lentamente evoluindo do errado - e o mundo inteiro está no meio de uma MUDANÇA profunda e fundamental.
Dou graças ao Capricórnio, a essência da minha infinita paciência, pela capacidade de organizar, pelo dom de criar as estruturas para dar forma aos meus sonhos. Pela capacidade de assumir a responsabilidade pela minha jornada
“Eu estou imerso na luz suprema
e a esta luz dou as costas”
Capricórnio representa a realização através do esforço, da disciplina, do foco.
Realização que emergiu da consciência do que verdadeiramente acredito, valorizo e quero ver realizado no mundo. É o símbolo da conquista do sucesso conseguido após a responsabilização pela escalada da nossa montanha pessoal. Não há crescimento sem raízes sólidas a sustentá-lo. Nenhuma árvore dará bons frutos senão tiver as raízes bem cuidadas e nutridas.
É em Caranguejo, signo oposto e, portanto, complementar, que cuidamos das raízes, do nosso mundo emocional. Talvez esteja aqui o equívoco na forma como filtramos a energia capricorniana – ligamo-la ao sucesso, à carreira, ao reconhecimento social... e retiramos o coração. Realizamos através de Capricórnio o que não obtivemos em caranguejo. Enquanto o sentimento de pertença, o sentimento de ser amado só porque existe, sem condições, não for preenchido por cada um de nós e através de cada um de nós , procuraremos sempre que alguma coisa ou alguém o faça.
O signo da cabra montanhesa é indissociável do seu planeta regente, Saturno, que é a estrutura necessária que precisamos desenvolver para nos diferenciarmos. Parte de nós que quer controlo, previsibilidade para chegar ao perfeito. Parte castradora... e não há maior castrador e julgador que o interno. Transformamo-nos para ser aceites, aprovados pelo mundo. Passamos a identificarmo-nos com a máscara que criámos, a ser qualquer coisa que não nós. Saturno obriga a aprender que disciplina, força de vontade, trabalho, perseverança fazem parte do desenvolvimento da espiritualidade.
Não há individualidade, liberdade, espiritualidade….
Sem que assumamos a responsabilidade por
sermos quem somos e pelo caminho que seguimos.
Como Campbel diz, na vida há 3 caminhos:
O da Aldeia, o do Deserto e o da Jornada.
A maioria de nós faz o caminho seguro da aldeia, onde sempre tudo foi e será assim, onde fazes tudo para te adequares e seres reconhecido - sentes-te ilusoriamente amado. O amor é tremendamente condicional.
Muitos estarão no Deserto, fora da aldeia. Têm um medo terrível de ser confundidos com os aldeãos. És do contra, rebelde e isso também te dá identidade e um senso de Amor e pertença. Muitas vezes, traz também a ilusão de estares na jornada, principalmente quando sentes que pertences ao deserto, mas vives na aldeia e mascáras esta incongruência com um sentido de missão.
A Jornada poucos fazem. Talvez porque percas todas as identificações. Talvez porque, para fazeres a jornada, tens de aceitar o chamado, Conscientemente aceitar o chamado e atravessar o portal - o limiar entre aquilo que sempre foi, a forma como sempre te identificaste, aldeão ou rebelde, e o desconhecido. Na jornada enfrentas, não os demónios externos mas os internos. E terás a certeza que guardiões também estarão presentes. Na Jornada há apenas a certeza do incerto. Não há controlo e sabemos disso. Nunca há controlo mas, na aldeia e no deserto há essa ilusão.
A maioria das pessoas não tem este Eixo do Poder,
consciente e integrado.
Isto mantêm-nos na aldeia ou no deserto.
De vez em quando iniciam pequenas jornadas que servem apenas para tornar a voz interna menos audível. Sabem, lá no fundo sabem, que não é possível realmente viver sem dizer sim à Jornada .
We exist in a dualistic, holographic Universe where polarity can be felt in extreme measures. According to the Wes Penre Papers, as far as extraterrestrial races involved with planet Earth there are “good guys” and there are “bad guys”.
Although there may be good and bad beings in each extraterrestrial race, Wes has summarized the players of the game and has described where they are from. For the purpose of explanation the “nanosecond” he refers to is the time period of accelerated learning between 1987 and 2012.
The Aryans have a matriarchal view on cosmos, while the Sirians have a patriarchal one.
We hear from different sources that Orion is where the Divine Feminine is most prominent; and that exact information about the Feminine is what is being suppressed here on Earth, and that was what made me want to look into this matter a little bit closer. I
t sounds to me that the 'bad reputation' is misdirected, so we will bark up the wrong treeOrion is looked at as a 'Feminine Empire', in the sense that it's run by a queen and never a king, and it embraces a feminine religion. But of course, the Goddess is everywhere, and most of all, she's inside of us. She is not in favor of certain beings before others, but she is always closer to those who are closer to her; it's just how the flow of energy works and shouldn't come as a surprise.
The same thing works on our level of existence.
We get along much better with friends who are on our own 'wavelength' as we call it. We could also call it frequency, or density. The Mother Goddess as Consciousness is more in direct communication with those who take her into their hearts and communicate with her; that's a given.
This is why the Aryans say that the Orion Empire is the 'Empire of the Mother Goddess', because it's set up in the honor of her, and the structure of the Empire promotes further evolution and raise in consciousness, which is exactly what the Mother Goddess, the Prime Creator, wishes for. There have been many civilizations on Earth before Homo sapiens came into existence, 250,000-300,000 years ago, and the Vegans at one time, once they became Founders, helped creating earlier civilizations on Earth which did have the Lyran, humanoid template as part of their DNA. This can be read in Lyssa Royal's & Keith Priest's material and has been researched and built upon my many researchers, including myself. As civilizations rose and fell on Earth, mankind eventually was created by mixing DNA from different star races and a previously existing humanoid species who was being part of an Experiment to create a Living Library on Earth. This Experiment, however, was interrupted when the Sirian Lords landed on Earth half a million years ago, and things changed drastically on the planet after that.
The 'disclosure' everybody seems to be waiting for, constantly looking up into the skies, is not going to be in form of a mass landing of benevolent ascended masters or other 'evolved' beings. The contact will rather be on a personal level; star beings or star races making a connection with individuals or groups who are working on breaking out of the entrapment; in other words, those who are ready for an encounter.
It's then up to us to discern whether these personal encounters are benevolent and beneficial for our growth, or not. We all have to pass a lot of tests now and in the near future. And we have to be brilliant, all of us. Not that we aren't. We are all brilliant; we just need to wake up and realize it and start making conscious decisions, getting rid of all sloppy thoughts and make decisions based on intentions that come from clear thoughts.
We have a lot to learn in the little time we have at hand, so if we waste it, we will regret it.
In these papers (Level II), we will only touch on a few of these many races who are interacting with us, or are watching us on a distance without interfering. The reason I am concentrating on the Aryans (from Orion) and Sirians in particular is because these two star groups are, and have been having, a greater influence on our evolution than anybody else, I dare say.
And not only that; when people try to catalogue different ET species, most don't understand that what we think are different races are often one and the same but under another guise.
Remember I wrote about how species mostly don't come in the physical, but nano-travel without bodies or spaceships. Spaceships are really not necessary to travel the Universe, except for beings who are not evolved enough to put technology aside and travel in spirit. When doing the latter, they can use their avatar to mock themselves up as any kind of being they like; humans, grays, reptilians, giant moth men, winged dragons -- you name it. These invaders do everything they can to confuse and manipulate us. Some Sirians who remained here have taken human bodies again and work within our governments and global institutions, such as the United Nations, G8, International Monetary Fund, and other institutions where big decisions, from their standpoint, need to be made. You may see these star beings in human bodies being interviewed on television, or holding a speech, and you would never know that they are not human. Here in the United States, I would keep an extra eye on Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, to name a few. There are of course others. There are more star races here than just the Sirians. In fact, there are billions of them, mostly non-physicals, who are hovering around Earth right now, monitoring what is going on. The majority of them are friendly and don't want to interfere with our progress, following Universal Laws, but are more than willing to guide us if we ask for help. Others are just spectators and don't interact at all, while a few are not so nice and are ill-intended from our way of seeing it. In other words, there is a huge mix of non-physicals who found Earth in our time once we made our presence known with the drop of the atom bombs in the 1940s. Still none, or a very few of these non-physicals, are interfering with us humans on a daily basis, except there are those who every now and then try to snatch a body when you are entering a fetus, hoping that they will get a chance to experience the nano-second down here in the material world, because here the energies are strong and the learning curve high. Some of these billions of souls would actually want a body here, hoping to get a free ride through the nano. People don't know that there are billions of souls who have stood in line to get a body here during these End Times, when time itself speeds up and those down here have a chance, in spite of the hardships, to learn a lot that they can't learn in the astral, where they don't have a body. This doesn't by any means justify what the Sirians have done and are doing, because what we experience now in form of enlightenment should have been experienced without the negative interference and manipulation from certain alien species. Those of us who have managed to inhabit a human body during the nano-second (approximately between 1987-2012) must consider ourselves fortunate despite the hard lessons we have to learn. During this time period, time has sped up hundred thousand fold. I am sure the reader has experienced this as well. If you think back thirty-forty years, you will notice that your life was much slower and more stable in general. A year seemed longer than it does now, and when things happened, there was a longer time period between the events. Now, everything happens at once on an ongoing daily basis. We have been used to speeding up tremendously to keep up with life and things we have to accomplish. The weeks, months, and years fly by, and we hardly even have time to reflect over where those years went. In general, there is not much time for real reflection, because the energies are so busy. Soon, however, time will slow down again. It's like a locomotive which has accelerated for 25 years and reached an incredible speed and now has to slowly decrease it, because if the driver stands on the breaks, the train will go off rails. Same thing with an airplane; it needs a landing strip to slow down. It can't just stop from one second to another. This is what will happen in 2013 and a few years onward; time will slow down incrementally, and we get a chance to reflect over what we've learned through the nano-second. Those of us who have taken advantage of the alignment with the Galactic Center and the increased encoded information carried on gamma rays, hitting our bodies over this last 25 year's time period, will not regret what we have learned. It has been a very tough ride for many of us, and it's not always been a 'love and light' adventure. We have often had to dive into the darker aspects of ourselves to learn that these aspects also are parts of ourselves and need to be acknowledged for us to become 'whole'. But beginning sometime next year (2013), the biblical expression 'you reap what you sow' should be quite adequate. We will gradually get more time to reflect and gain the full abilities from what we learned during the nano-second. And remember, the Global Elite, and those who run them, have also had a hard time keeping everything and everybody under control while time has been running away from them. Hence, you have seen them making more mistakes, and every week, every month, their crimes are being revealed in the media, and their dirty laundry hung out in the open. Those at the top have had to sacrifice more and more of their minions (there is that word again) in order to stay hidden. They know their control system is not sustainable, and they are working hard to find a better one. In the meantime, we have time to act and reap what we have sown in order to 'tip them over'. So far, we have learned a lot about the Sirians; how they think and act, their mentality, their history, and much more. We feel quite familiar with their personalities. Again, however, I want to stress that there are most probably Sirians who are good people as well, but we don't see much of them here in our sub-sector of the galaxy. Those who are directly connected to Earth have shown a very harsh attitude and have treated us no better than we treat our cattle. If that was the reason (that they think we are cattle, and they do), it would be bad enough, but we have also learned that they have a greater motif, which is to conquer not only the 4% Universe, but the 96% as well. They are not alone on their mission, however. They have other star races assisting them, and we are now going to look a little bit deeper into whom these star races are, and also if there are any species, entities or otherwise who are benevolent and willing to assist us. If so, who are they? The Bad Guys According to Wes Penre: The Sirian Alliance
The Sirian Alliance are the star races who have joined the Sirians on their mission to conquer the 4% and the 96%. The Alliance consists of the Sirian Empire and other star races as well, who are willing to accomplish this goal together with the Sirians, without necessarily belonging to the Sirian Empire. Planet Earth is one of many planets the Alliance is concentrating on at the moment, but one of their greater Experiments, due to that Prince EA put the Fire of the Goddess in the human soul, and from my understanding, we were the first group EA experimented on in this way. The Mother Goddess in her physical manifestation, the Queen of the Stars, did the same thing on many other planets, prior to what her son EA did here on Earth, but our planet was most probably the first world the Sirians and the Aryan Prince experimented with in this fashion.
I am not familiar with all the star races who are rubbing shoulders with the Sirian Overlords, but will mention a few here: The Alpha Draconians
After Sirius star system itself, Thuban (Alpha Draconis) seems to be the Sirians’ most important base. It appears that this star was one of the first planetary systems the Dark Lords conquered. The inhabitants are different kinds of Draco/Reptilian life forms, often giant in shape. These races are commonly mentioned in Ufology and Exopolitics as a cruel conquer race and deeply involved in Earth’s history. This is very true to my knowledge as well, and the main group that is working closely with the Sirians here on Earth; especially with ENLIL. In the Sumerian scriptures, they go under a common name, KIN-GU, or Kingú.
The Draconian AlbinosAlthough their home planets are now orbiting Thuban, their royal clan, who are an albino Draco race, some with wings and horns, others without any of it, migrated to the Lyran star system, possibly when the Sirians came, or perhaps before. They are larger than all other Kingú, and are in Sumerian text known as the Kingú-Babbar. They are creator gods in their own right and are the creators of other Reptilian races, now spread out over Sector 9. The Babbar are loners and opponents to the Sirians, although not directly human friendly either. They are known to be aggressive and don’t hesitate to kill, but don’t have any direct plans to take over the Universe, like the Sirian Alliance does. They are present in our solar system on occasion, and the Sirians leave them alone, probably out of respect and fear.
The Red DracosThese are the ones in charge of the Draconian still residing in Draco. Most of the Dracos are these days willingly working with the Sirians, although there are rebel groups here too, as normally seems to be the case in occupied worlds. They have reddish skin, wings, horns, and tails. It’s probably from seeing manifestations of this group we got the image of the Devil. They are known to be ferocious soldiers, and often seen together with Sirians on occupied planets. They have their own governors in Thuban, but the whole Draco system falls under Sirian regime, and their governors answer to the Sirian Government.
The Green DracosThese are the worker class, obedient to both the Red Dracos and the Sirians. They are considered a ‘lower caste’ and simply do as they are told. They are not trained warriors like the Red, but they are still territorial, which is a common Reptilian trait, and would get hostile if provoked, and definitely if they were ordered to.
The Vegans Most Vegans are not in alliance with the Sirians, but there is a rebel group here as well, who were manipulated into joining the Sirian group. The Vegans are otherwise very skilled Creator Gods, and have seeded many planets in this sector of the Universe. It’s an old race; probably one of the first in the Milky Way Galaxy. On their home planet, they look similar to the Vulcans in Star Trek, and is probably where the idea to the Vulcans come from. Most Vegans are still residing in the Vega system and have nothing to do with this rebel group.
The Andromedans
This is a little bit shadier, but it looks like there is a rebel group here too, who followed the Sirians on their mission and who now embrace the Patriarchal Movement. This rebel group would possibly be the group Alex Collier was in contact with. Normally, the group called the ‘Andromedans’ are part of the Orion Empire and know that the Universe is Feminine. The reason I believe Collier’s group is a rebel group belonging to the Sirian Alliance is because they tell us that God is masculine. If they are Andromedans, they know better than that, but are playing the Patriarch game together with the Sirians. There is also a chance that the ‘Andromedans’ Alex was meeting could have been Sirians in disguise, showing themselves off as Andromedans. Therefore, I was a little reluctant to mention them here, but decided to do so with the above disclaimer.
The Grays
Here is another shady group. The ‘Grays’ as a species is apparently pretty common in the Universe. LPG-C call them ‘saurians’, and author George LoBuono mentions them in his book, ‘Alien Mind’, as a very common template in the Universe. LoBuono himself, however, was basically in contact with a hostile group he calls the ‘Verdants’, originating from a star system in a galaxy 14 million light-years away, but since then have spread out quite remarkably over this part of the Universe, being on a mission of conquest and expansion. Many other researchers and contactees are describing the Grays as well. We know of a Gray group, which I discussed quite extensively in ‘Level I’, originating from Lyra, on a planet called Apex. This group was basically a friendly, benevolent race who minded their own business until the Verdants came and invaded them. The Apexian Grays were then, just like we humans on Earth, heavily genetically reengineered and manipulated, until they became more of an android race.
The story of the Apexian Grays can be read in detail in my ‘Genesis Paper #1: Human Origins and the Living Library but to make a long story short, due to a nuclear war, the planet Apex was not only thrown out of orbit, but also disappeared into a black hole and reappeared in a totally different star system, which we call Zeta Reticuli, many light-years away from Vega. I got this pretty much confirmed by LPG-C as well.
Somewhere along the line, these Grays were being invaded again, this time by the Sirians, and once again genetically manipulated. Eventually, they became foot soldiers and servants to the Sirians. These Grays are not necessarily into conquering the Universe, but are more like slaves to the Wolfen/Reptilian race.
To make things even more complicated, it seems like human genetic engineers have picked up on how resilient the bodies of the original Grays are, and have used their genetics to create a human/Gray hybrid, whom people have seen here on Earth, particularly around military bases. It’s quite evident that the Sirians have a hand in helping humans create this hybrid race, because they are often seen together with Sirians. Anonymous whistle-blowers have said that the Grays who are created here on Earth are meant to be used mainly as astronauts for the Shadow Government, due to that their body template is the only one so far that they have found resilient or resistant enough to endure radiation and other obstacles in space that human bodies have been had a hard time with while space traveling, making it impossible for human bodies to stay in space for more than a short time.
So the Gray situation is quite complex, and it’s not obvious who is who. For us humans it is not of that much importance, however, because the ones seen in our solar system are not benevolent, and work either for our government, with the Sirian Overlords, or both. We know that not all Grays are recently engineered human/Gray hybrids, because the Grays were mentioned already in the Sumerian scriptures as the Mìmínu, and have been seen on Earth by different cultures over the centuries. They are said to have lived underground, and the American Indians call them the ‘Ant People’.
The Pleiadians Again, we have a rebel group of Pleiadians who started working with the Sirians, or more specifically, Prince EA (Enki).They are giants, often referred to as the “Bird People” and the “Bulls” (Taurus). We know from the Pleiadians first hand (Marciniak’s group), that they are giants. They hint at heights from 7 feet up to 300 feet. The Pleiadians also admit to being the ‘Fallen Angels’ in the Bible, who came here to copulate with human females, but also helped EA and NIN with enhancing the human genome, using Pleiadian DNA. This resulted in the biblical giants, who roamed the Earth around the time of Noah and before (the Nephilim). Some of them survived the Deluge, as well, and became the Rephaim. Although these giants may be extinct today, their creators, the Pleiadian rebel group, are still working with the Sirians.
According to themselves, they did not evolve in the Pleiades, but came there much later. The Pleiadian group which has been involved in Earth history originated in Lyra, only to later migrate to Ursa Major, and finally ended up in the Pleiades, on the planet Dukù in the Maïa star system in particular, but also on a planet around the blue star, Electra.
The Ashtar CommandThere are websites on the Internet where they say they are channeling the ‘Ashtar Command’. This group of ETs are simply the Pleiadians in present time, who are manipulating the channeler into thinking they are Ascended Masters coming down to help us in our struggle. We see a lot of this kind of channeling today, and I ask the reader to be very selective with whom you associate with when comes to alien species. There are certainly good ETs out there who wish us well, but if they contact us, they all have one thing in common: they tell us that we are our own saviors and should not expect any alien race coming down to Earth and do the job for us. We need to break the ‘godspell’ and claim our sovereignty as biological and spiritual beings, and this is exactly the message a good-intended alien species would have. They can’t wake us up for us.And if they would come down today and tell us they were here to guide us and tell us what to do, it’s going to be another human/God relationship, or they would most likely be attacked by the PTB, who would successfully manipulate many of the citizens into thinking these ETs are here to invade.
The Gargoyles
We see them everywhere on the top of old churches and cathedrals and it is a typical Catholic symbol. Statues of them can also be seen elsewhere, often guarding entrances to sacred or mysterious sites. People often think that they are made up in someone’s imagination, but we know that is rarely the case; almost without exceptions, statues and artifacts of strange and mysterious creatures have bases in reality.
In the Sumerian scriptures, these Gargoyles were sometimes called Mušgir, which means ‘furious reptile’ (‘Pazuzu’ in Assyrian) and were winged dragons with horns and tails, looking quite threatening in their appearance. Like so many others of the star races of the Sirian Alliance, the Gargoyles, too, originate in Lyra, and a second race was genetically engineered on Dukù in the Pleiades at a later time.
The Good Guys According to Wes Penre: The Allies of Mankind
The ones who mean us well and are 100% on our side don't land here and mingle with humans; at least not on a regular basis.
Sometimes they come down and show themselves, but when doing so, they normally contact individual humans or small groups, and they do not interfere with our matters. The ‘Blue Beings’
Barbara Marciniak, for example, was contacted by the ‘Blue Beings’ in the late 1970s, saying they were from the Pleiades. They later on became ‘The Pleiadians’; the same group Marciniak is still channeling today. This group consists of a number of beings from different star races who have come together as ontoenergetics to spread their message in an effort to help themselves and mankind. One of these Pleiadian groups is the ‘Blue Beings’.
They came here as non-physicals and let their avatars manifest themselves to Barbara as the Blue Beings they apparently are on their home planet in the Pleiades.
I consider the Pleiadians whom Marciniak is channeling being ‘good ETs’, although I know they wouldn’t even be here, or bother with us, if it wasn’t because they first of all are attempting to help themselves, and us second. However, it has shown that their mission (agenda) has been quite beneficial for us too, and over time I notice that they have really come to like us humans. Yes, I can tell from have listened to them quite a lot, and some of my own material is inspired from what they have taught me. So, in spite of that they have their own motives, I consider them being allies of mankind. They are the descendants of the Fallen Angels in the Bible, and the Pleiades today and in the future (where they come from) are quite tumultuous places, with civil wars and inner conflicts.
The Marciniak group, however, is a rebel group who meet somewhere in secret and in the non-physical to do this specific and unique channeling. They want an end to the tyranny that runs the Pleiades in the future.
The Aryans The Orion Empire is huge from what I have found out, and is in general a pretty peaceful place today, although it had its tumultuous times as well in the ancient past. We humans, in our original form, I consider originate from Orion, due to that most of the Mother Goddess’ ‘Helpers’ when came to seeding Earth were from the Orion Empire, although some of the Founders were from other places as well. What they all had in common, however, was that they acknowledged the feminine force in the Universe as being the original creative force (in Sumerian called the ‘Niama’), and they were working with the Goddess’ moral and ethical values in mind.
Today, the Aryans are very much aware of what is happening here on Earth. As recent as perhaps eight months ago, I was asking myself that if the Aryans, who originally owned this planet, feel the Earth has been hi-jacked, why don’t they come here and liberate us from the Sirian Alliance? It seems like they could quite easily do so if they really put their energy to it. The answer, once it occurred to me, was quite obvious. If the Aryans would interfere, we humans, in our ignorance, would see them as an invader force, just like we would the Sirians. And if the Aryans came, the Sirians would definitely play the victims and plea for help from mankind, just to get us on their side. So it wouldn’t be a good solution. Secondly, they know better than start another galactic war; they’ve been there, done that. Instead, they are monitoring us closely, ready to assist when they can. In fact, all we need to do is to get together as a human race and ask for help, and help would come. But first we would have to know for a fact who is the enemy and who the friend is. If we are confused about that, we would be confused when the Sirians manipulate us into believing they are the good guys.
Keep in mind, however, that the Orion Empire is extensive, and there are of course beings who consider themselves being Aryans, who are not here in our best interest. These are few in numbers, but are creating some problem in the astral, from what I have heard. I bring this up, because it proves the point that things are not black and white, and there are good and bad beings within all star races.
The Ama’argi
These are female Founders, originating from the star Dubhe in Ursa Major (the Big Dipper). They are a subgroup to the Amašutum, and have been residing in our solar system since ancient times. They used to have their base on Old Terra’s moon, and when Terra was split into two during the Titan War, there are researchers who claim that Terra’s moon at that time was slung out of its orbit around Terra and became the planet Venus. The Ama’argi may still dwell on Venus, but most certainly as ontoenergetics. They have always had affection for mankind and the whole Living Library, and were allegedly more involved in the old history of Terra/Earth than I have had time to acknowledge here in these papers.
The Amašutum
This is another name which seems to appear in the Sumerian texts quite a lot. According to Anton Parks, the Amašutum are female life designers (Founders), living in higher dimensions (of the KHAA), but can visit ours with no problem. They have been said to originate both from Orion, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. It is my own understanding that all the three star systems are correct. The Amašutum is simply a generic term for female life designers in a highly evolved state of being. Many of these female Founders are overseeing the progress we’re making here on Earth.
The Ontoenergetics
This is quite a general term that includes all non-physicals, although I am here concentrating on those who are present in the ‘astral realms’ around Earth and are studying what is happening, especially now, during the nano-second. Most of them are benevolent, evolved beings, who are happy to help if we ask them. If they are benevolent, they will not do the job for us, but rather help us steer ourselves onto the right track. This goes for all the benevolent races and beings out there; Pleiadians, Aryans, Amašutum, Ama’argi, and other physical and non-physical beings. None of them will help or interfere, unless we ask them.
Most of them are more than willing to help.
Spirit Guides
This is another shady term, because it can have so many meanings. I am not very keen on many of the ‘spirit guides’ who come and get you after you have departed from your body at body death; most of them are Sirian Helpers, such as non-physical Vegans and Grays. Be particularly on your guard if they tell you to follow them ‘into the light’ or ‘to the tunnel’, or go see relatives. If you choose to go with them, you will end up in the Sirian recycling system again with full amnesia, and then being shot down into a new body here on Earth.
If you read this and have enjoyed my papers so far, you are probably not a person who wants to go ‘into the light’. In one of the last papers (if not the last paper) in ‘Level II’, I will talk more about what the alternatives may be. The deceptive spirit guides may manifest themselves in the astral as angels, relatives, friends, a pleasant being, or perhaps even as Jesus or one of his disciples if the person is Christian.
The benevolent Spirit Guides are usually either higher version of yourself, or soul fragments of yourself that have already made it back to the Oversoul and are now meeting themselves in form of ‘you’, ready to take you home when you die and are in a higher state of consciousness and awareness.
They may manifest very similar to the ‘false’ spirit guides, but if you use the abilities you have developed here on Earth during this, and a few previous lifetimes, you will be able to tell who is who. And if you’re uncertain, ask them who they are.
Another obvious distinction is of course, where will they lead you? Above the Grid and out in the Universe, or into the ‘light/tunnel’? A good thing to do when you’re on your death-bed is to imagine yourself being where you want to be and ask for help only by those who have your absolute best interests in mind! But don’t hesitate to ask for guidance when you die. If your death is sudden and unexpected, and you suddenly find yourself disconnected from your body, go ahead and imagine it right there and then, and again, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance, but only from those who have your best interests in mind! This, of course, is very important.
The benevolent Spirit Guides, however, are not there to help you only when you’re on your death-bed, but anytime in your daily life, as well. ‘Ask and you shall receive!’
Again, your Guides will most probably not do the work for you, but guide you in the right direction by letting you experience what you need to experience (after all, we call them ‘guides’, don’t we?).
The Oversoul
The Oversoul is the ‘Real You’, from whom you in your current incarnation is only a soul fragment. The problem is that due to that the Sirians have kept us in custody here on Earth, we’ve been disconnected from our Oversoul by their Recycling System (reincarnation). Instead of returning to the Oversoul after a lifetime is over and report back to her, we are manipulated into going through the Tunnel and into the Light.So we hardly ever connect with our real selves, but instead reincarnate over and over.
Each soul fragment learns a lot (although we are forced to forget when the Sirians erase our memories between lives), perhaps not in one lifetime, but by incarnating over and over. If one particular soul fragment (you in your current incarnation in this example) would remember all her lifetimes, she would be rich of experiences.
However, now when we are going through their ‘Amnesia Implant Station’, we have to start relearning what we’ve already learned in previous lifetimes every time we reincarnate.
It’s a waste of time from our perspective. From the Sirian perspective it is not, of course.
However, if a single one of all the soul fragments that are you, simultaneously incarnated on Earth, would report back to the Oversoul, having full memory recall, that would be a lot of knowledge! Then think of yourself as being one of perhaps thousands of soul fragments, all incarnated here on Earth at the same time, but in different time periods, and you can start imagining how much you really know and can bring with you out in cosmos to meet other friendly star beings. Although they have been able to experience most dimensions for a long, long time, these star beings may have a lot to learn from you.
That’s why so many star beings who don’t have a physical body would do anything to have one now in the nano-second, when the learning curve is incredibly high. Still, even if these ontoenergetics would take a body now in the nano-second, for the first time, it wouldn’t be the same, because we humans have past experiences down here which the non-physicals lack. But they know that even by incarnating once here on Earth (if it is now in the nano-second), it’s way better than nothing. Hence, from one perspective, we are ‘lucky’ to be here at this time. But only if we take advantage of the nano-second and act like sponges, willing to take in and learn as much as we can. After 2012, time will slow down incrementally, and the time window of great learning closes. That’s when it’s time to reflect over what we’ve learned in a great haste. If we didn’t learn much and spent most time in front of the television, there is not much to reflect over, either, of course. However, if you read this, you probably already have a lot to reflect over, whether it’s this material or other things you’ve learned before you read this.
This is what the Mayans called the End Times, because it’s the end of a cycle of 26,000 years (one circle around the zodiac) and the beginning of a new. The timelines are merging, and we are saying ‘hello’ to our other incarnations. Time as we know it is collapsing, and we are remembering our multidimensionality. Our previous lifetimes are being revealed for us, often both in the awake state and in dream state, but especially in dream state (4 cycles per second or less). Many of us have learned a lot only over the last ten years or so, and we are not going to fall into the recycling trap again.
If none of your other soul fragments have managed to return to your Oversoul, you will be the first, which is perfectly okay. If this is the case, you will be your own Spirit Guide for your other incarnations to follow, no matter in what time frame they live.
Some may live in the 1800s, others 2,500 BC, and others may even live in the future.
It doesn’t matter, because time is per default not linear; we made it linear together with the Sirians — it’s an agreement; set in a state of manipulation, but still an agreement.
When you die next time, you would probably want to return to your Oversoul and then again come back, this time in the non-physical, as a Spirit Guide, and pick up your other selves when they die, one by one. Then, when you’ve picked up the last one, you are ‘whole’. There is no soul of yours left on Earth, and you are one big Oversoul, ready for new adventures. You can choose to go elsewhere in the Universe and explore the dimensions, or you may come back to Earth and rebuild a new planet, which eventually will be free from the oppression of the Sirians.
This is what will become the New Earth, where those who took advantage of the nano-second and still want to come back, will build;a world of a much higher vibration where there eventually is no place for the lower Sirian energies.
Like I’ve said before, the Multiverse is fluid, and you build your own reality with your own thoughts. Others with similar thoughts will share your version of the Multiverse, others will live in their own versions. There is no end to it! In some versions, the Sirians will still exist, creating a machine world where they have total control over the masses, who will be more and more like androids, robots, and machines. There is probably a majority of today’s population who will choose this version, either out of ignorance or out of fear, and it is their choice.
We can only inform; it’s for each and every one to make their choice; it’s none of our business, and not for us to force any reality on anybody.
If you die and can’t find your Oversoul for any given reason, don’t worry about it.
There are still forces who can help (see above how to ask for help), and/or you just imagine a place where you want to go, and you’ll be there. So you see how important it is to have an exit plan!
If no Oversoul is present, start building one right there and then. Do exactly the same thing as you would do if you would have found one; be your own Spirit Guide and start collecting and merging with your other-selves who are still down here, living their lives. When all those soul fragments are collected, you will be whole, and your own Oversoul, able to do exactly the same thing as the person who ”found’ their Oversoul.
So both ways work, which is important to understand.
These are the major 'helpers' of the benevolent kind.
There are of course other star races as well who are on our side in this drama whom I have not mentioned here, but the ones I did mention are the ones I put the most attention towards, and in my opinion the most significant one.
However, when you ask for help and assistance - in general or in specific matters - you don't necessarily have to ask a certain group for help. All you need to do is to ask for assistance in general, just keeping in mind that you need to add that you only want help from those who have your best interests in mind! I can't emphasis that enough, but as long as you do that, you will be fine.
Wes Penre
Will You Choose Reincarnation?
As the veil (evil) begins to lift we are able to see beings for who they really are.
Knowing the background of these beings and what their agenda is will help us decide if we want to have anything to do with them or not.
When we “die”, we carry the knowledge and consciousness we gained in this lifetime when our soul fragment leaves the body. After reading Wes’ statement about the tunnel and white light, we can be more informed in making a decision as to where we want to go next.
If we choose reincarnation, it would be because we truly enjoyed the experience here on Earth or perhaps our true guides agree that we will feel like we need some more experience before we move on to another experience.
For those who are ready to make this their last experience in the reincarnation hamster wheel, we can take this knowledge of the possible deception between lives and choose to further our horizons out into the deep Universe toward our Star Oversoul.
If we encounter any beings along the way, we now have a little more information about who they are and what their purpose is.
Ultimately in order to regain our free will sovereignty and to become whole again, we can begin bringing in our soul aspects into our bodies in the “now” by connecting with them and helping to heal traumas. We may already be doing this without knowing as we suffer through “ascension symptoms”.
Taking Wes’ ideas a bit further, it seems that by doing our homework now we may be able to create an Oversoul in order to have a “New Earth” experience without ever leaving the planet. Everyone has a different path and will be able to make choices easier as the veils life and the light shines into the darkness.
Be sure you know who is in charge of your new experience and where your guides are taking you.
Ultimately, you are a very powerful Creator and do not need anyone to be in control of you. Information is power and the use of your intuition will help you discern who has your best interest at heart.