quinta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2017

.................................. ser seu pior inimigo

Pare de pensar.
É o melhor conselho que um amigo pode dar a outro: pare de fazer fantasias, sentir-se perseguido, neurotizar relações, comprar briga por besteira, maximizar pequenas chatices, estender discussões, buscar no passado as justificativas para ser do jeito que é, fazendo a linha sou rebelde porque o mundo quis assim. Sem essa.

O mundo nem estava prestando atenção em você, acorde.
Salve-se dos seus traumas de infância.
Quem não consegue sozinho, deve acudir-se com um terapeuta.
Só não pode esquecer: sem amizade por si próprio, nunca haverá progresso possível, como bem escreveu Séneca cerca de 2.000 anos atrás. Permanecerá enredado em suas próprias angústias e sendo nada menos que seu pior inimigo.

Marta Medeiros

Rabbi Ben Ezra

Grow old along with me! 
The best is yet to be, 
The last of life, for which the first was made: 
Our times are in His hand 
Who saith "A whole I planned, 
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!'' 

Not that, amassing flowers, 
Youth sighed "Which rose make ours, 
Which lily leave and then as best recall?" 
Not that, admiring stars, 
It yearned "Nor Jove, nor Mars; 
Mine be some figured flame which blends, transcends them all!" 

Not for such hopes and fears 
Annulling youth's brief years, 
Do I remonstrate: folly wide the mark! 
Rather I prize the doubt 
Low kinds exist without, 
Finished and finite clods, untroubled by a spark. 

Poor vaunt of life indeed, 
Were man but formed to feed 
On joy, to solely seek and find and feast: 
Such feasting ended, then 
As sure an end to men; 
Irks care the crop-full bird? Frets doubt the maw-crammed beast? 

Rejoice we are allied 
To That which doth provide 
And not partake, effect and not receive! 
A spark disturbs our clod; 
Nearer we hold of God 
Who gives, than of His tribes that take, I must believe. 

Then, welcome each rebuff 
That turns earth's smoothness rough, 
Each sting that bids nor sit nor stand but go! 
Be our joys three-parts pain! 
Strive, and hold cheap the strain; 
Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the throe! 

For thence,—a paradox 
Which comforts while it mocks,— 
Shall life succeed in that it seems to fail: 
What I aspired to be, 
And was not, comforts me: 
A brute I might have been, but would not sink i' the scale. 

What is he but a brute 
Whose flesh has soul to suit, 
Whose spirit works lest arms and legs want play? 
To man, propose this test— 
Thy body at its best, 
How far can that project thy soul on its lone way? 

Yet gifts should prove their use: 
I own the Past profuse 
Of power each side, perfection every turn: 
Eyes, ears took in their dole, 
Brain treasured up the whole; 
Should not the heart beat once "How good to live and learn?" 

Not once beat "Praise be Thine! 
I see the whole design, 
I, who saw power, see now love perfect too: 
Perfect I call Thy plan: 
Thanks that I was a man! 
   Maker, remake, complete,—I trust what Thou shalt do!" 

For pleasant is this flesh; 
Our soul, in its rose-mesh 
Pulled ever to the earth, still yearns for rest; 
Would we some prize might hold 
To match those manifold 
Possessions of the brute,—gain most, as we did best! 

Let us not always say, 
"Spite of this flesh to-day 
I strove, made head, gained ground upon the whole!" 
As the bird wings and sings, 
Let us cry "All good things 
Are ours, nor soul helps flesh more, now, than flesh helps soul!" 

Therefore I summon age 
To grant youth's heritage, 
Life's struggle having so far reached its term: 
Thence shall I pass, approved 
A man, for aye removed 
From the developed brute; a god though in the germ. 

And I shall thereupon 
Take rest, ere I be gone 
Once more on my adventure brave and new: 
Fearless and unperplexed, 
When I wage battle next, 
What weapons to select, what armour to indue. 

Youth ended, I shall try 
My gain or loss thereby; 
Leave the fire ashes, what survives is gold: 
And I shall weigh the same, 
Give life its praise or blame: 
Young, all lay in dispute; I shall know, being old. 

For note, when evening shuts, 
A certain moment cuts 
The deed off, calls the glory from the grey: 
A whisper from the west 
Shoots—"Add this to the rest, 
Take it and try its worth: here dies another day." 

So, still within this life, 
Though lifted o'er its strife, 
Let me discern, compare, pronounce at last, 
This rage was right i' the main, 
That acquiescence vain: 
The Future I may face now I have proved the Past." 

For more is not reserved 
To man, with soul just nerved 
To act to-morrow what he learns to-day: 
Here, work enough to watch 
The Master work, and catch 
Hints of the proper craft, tricks of the tool's true play. 

As it was better, youth 
Should strive, through acts uncouth, 
Toward making, than repose on aught found made: 
So, better, age, exempt 
From strife, should know, than tempt 
Further. Thou waitedst age: wait death nor be afraid! 

Enough now, if the Right 
And Good and Infinite 
Be named here, as thou callest thy hand thine own 
With knowledge absolute, 
Subject to no dispute 
From fools that crowded youth, nor let thee feel alone. 

Be there, for once and all, 
Severed great minds from small, 
Announced to each his station in the Past! 
Was I, the world arraigned, 
Were they, my soul disdained, 
Right? Let age speak the truth and give us peace at last! 

Now, who shall arbitrate? 
Ten men love what I hate, 
Shun what I follow, slight what I receive; 
Ten, who in ears and eyes 
Match me: we all surmise, 
They this thing, and I that: whom shall my soul believe? 

Not on the vulgar mass 
Called "work," must sentence pass, 
Things done, that took the eye and had the price; 
O'er which, from level stand, 
The low world laid its hand, 
Found straightway to its mind, could value in a trice: 

But all, the world's coarse thumb 
And finger failed to plumb, 
So passed in making up the main account; 
All instincts immature, 
All purposes unsure, 
That weighed not as his work, yet swelled the man's amount: 

Thoughts hardly to be packed 
Into a narrow act, 
Fancies that broke through language and escaped; 
All I could never be, 
All, men ignored in me, 
This, I was worth to God, whose wheel the pitcher shaped. 

Ay, note that Potter's wheel, 
That metaphor! and feel 
Why time spins fast, why passive lies our clay,— 
Thou, to whom fools propound, 
When the wine makes its round, 
"Since life fleets, all is change; the Past gone, seize to-day!" 

Fool! All that is, at all, 
Lasts ever, past recall; 
Earth changes, but thy soul and God stand sure: 
What entered into thee, 
That was, is, and shall be: 
Time's wheel runs back or stops: Potter and clay endure. 

He fixed thee mid this dance 
Of plastic circumstance, 
This Present, thou, forsooth, wouldst fain arrest: 
Machinery just meant 
To give thy soul its bent, 
Try thee and turn thee forth, sufficiently impressed. 

What though the earlier grooves, 
Which ran the laughing loves 
Around thy base, no longer pause and press? 
What though, about thy rim, 
Skull-things in order grim 
Grow out, in graver mood, obey the sterner stress? 

Look not thou down but up! 
To uses of a cup, 
The festal board, lamp's flash and trumpet's peal, 
The new wine's foaming flow, 
The Master's lips a-glow! 
Thou, heaven's consummate cup, what need'st thou with earth's wheel? 

But I need, now as then, 
Thee, God, who mouldest men; 
And since, not even while the whirl was worst, 
Did I,—to the wheel of life 
With shapes and colours rife, 
Bound dizzily,—mistake my end, to slake Thy thirst: 

So, take and use Thy work: 
Amend what flaws may lurk, 
What strain o' the stuff, what warpings past the aim! 
My times be in Thy hand! 
Perfect the cup as planned! 
Let age approve of youth, and death complete the same! 


quarta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2017


O propósito da terapia é levá-lo ao ponto onde você possa ver a sua falta de naturalidade.
O propósito é simplesmente torná-lo consciente de onde você está, do que fez a si mesmo – o mal que tem sempre causado e ainda está causando, as feridas que está criando em seu próprio ser.

Cada uma das feridas tem a sua assinatura – esse é o objetivo da terapia, fazer com que se dê conta da sua assinatura; que as feridas levam a sua assinatura, que ninguém mais as tem causado; que todas as correntes que o envolvem são criadas por você; que a prisão na qual você vive é obra sua.
Ninguém a está fazendo para você.


........................ também eu serei devorado

"Quando matares um animal, diz-lhe no teu coração:

Pelo mesmo poder com que te mato, também eu serei morto;
e também eu serei devorado.

Pois a lei que te entregou 
à minha mão
me entregará a uma mão maior.

O teu sangue e o meu sangue
não são senão a seiva que alimenta
a árvore do Paraíso."

Khalil Gibran
in, O Profeta

Oração, ou declaração consciente, que o verdadeiro xamã faz quando tem que tirar a vida a um animal, planta ou árvore.
Os nossos actos dependem da intenção que lhes colocamos.
O Karma resume-se apenas a isso: à Intenção!!!
Os índios, os descendentes dos maias, alguns xamãs, os esquimós, entre outros, matam animais para a sua alimentação, mas apenas o que lhes faz falta e agradecem a quem estão a sacrificar.
São povos que vivem de acordo com os ciclos da mãe terra, e respeitam o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas.

terça-feira, 29 de agosto de 2017

A uma rapariga

A Nice

Abre os olhos e encara a vida! A sina
Tem que cumprir-se! Alarga os horizontes!
Por sobre lamaçais alteia pontes
Com tuas mãos preciosas de menina.

Nessa estrada da vida que fascina
Caminha sempre em frente, além dos montes!
Morde os frutos a rir! Bebe nas fontes!
Beija aqueles que a sorte te destina!

Trata por tu a mais longínqua estrela,
Escava com as mãos a própria cova
E depois, a sorrir, deita-te nela!

Que as mãos da terra façam, com amor,
Da graça do teu corpo, esguia e nova,
Surgir à luz a haste duma flor!...

Florbela Espanca 
in, "Charneca em Flor"

O fascismo

O fascismo...
As crianças pobres assistem à humilhação dos pais, pobres. É um sofrimento redobrado.
Não há comida, não há conforto, não há respeito, e isso determina tudo. 
Não há nada que apague isto. 
Pertencia a uma classe social que era humilhada, desprezada pelas classes superiores.
Ainda hoje assim é: as classes superiores acham que aquelas pessoas são pessoas de segunda, que existem para as servir, para os libertar das actividades mais primárias da existência humana (a limpeza da casa, cozinhar). Como se servir fosse um motivo de desprezo. O fascismo é isso. Achar que há seres humanos de primeira e seres humanos de segunda. Os filhos também não são crianças como as deles. Uma infância destas não tem espaço para a alegria.

Tinha que ter consciência da discrepância entre ricos e pobre.
A minha mãe leu num livro que era importante para o desenvolvimento intelectual de uma criança ter puzzles, fazer construções de Legos. Virou mundo para que eu tivesse isso. Da mesma maneira que me incutiu o gosto pela leitura. Achava que a salvação de um pobre era a inteligência e o conhecimento.

O risco desta conversa é que às vezes as pessoas que têm o meu percurso tornam-se numa espécie de petisco para tias. É isso que não quero. A pobrezinha heroína que ultrapassou a sua condição social... “Estão a ver, quando se quer consegue-se”. Isto é abjecto. Daí a minha salvaguarda. 

A minha mãe tinha uns pais muito inteligentes, que a amaram muito.
Apesar de vir de uma grande pobreza, tem uma origem em nada miserável.
É só pobre, não acumula. Normalmente a pobreza atrai a miséria e contaminam-se reciprocamente, mas não era o caso.
Aquela frase do Strindberg n’O Sonho: “A miséria é sempre um pouco suja”.
Era o que dizia o João Bernardo, num artigo que escreveu: “A pobreza trata-se com dinheiro, a miséria não”. 
Ela quis passar para mim essa herança, e conseguiu mesmo.

É natural em mim gostar da delicadeza – é uma coisa bela.
Tornei-me uma pessoa sensível ao silêncio, à honestidade.
Apesar de ter uma consciência social muito grande, tinha sete anos quando aconteceu a Revolução. Íamos todos ter uma casa confortável, boas escolas. As pessoas iam tornar-se todas muito bondosas, os maus iam arrepender-se dos seus erros, os bons iam vencer tudo. Era assim que festejava o 25 de Abril.
Fui crescendo. Quando cheguei à adolescência, quer pela capacidade de entendimento do que me rodeava, quer pela inquietação dessa fase, tive a primeira explosão de revolta. Foi a primeira vez que as emoções ultrapassaram a razão.
Mas fui uma criança racional. A minha mãe diz que eu não chorava, dizia: “Apetece-me chorar”. É sinistro. O meu primeiro grande contacto com as emoções foi na adolescência. É na adolescência que deito tudo cá para fora que nem um vulcão. Fiquei em erupção. Até muito tarde. Lembrei-me de que não tinha sido feliz na infância. E tive raiva. “Tiraram-me a infância, estes filhos da mãe dos fascistas!”.

Sempre tive horror a ser má. Achava que havia qualquer coisa de mau dentro de mim, e que nos podemos tornar maus sem dar conta. E ainda acho. Mas hoje tenho recursos para escolher e decidir, que não conhecia. Temos de ser muito vigilantes. Estragamo-nos num instante sem nos darmos conta.
A leitura e a música podiam salvar-me. Não sei explicar melhor isto. Salvar-me do que fosse.
E sejamos pragmáticos, era o espaço que tinha para não estar sozinha, e protegida.
As pessoas que consomem mais música e mais literatura têm mais hipótese de desenvolver a sua sensibilidade, de atingirem níveis de compreensão mais profunda.

Tive a preocupação de me tornar independente, muito cedo. A sobrevivência foi uma questão sempre presente. Ainda hoje, mesmo quando estou mais segura financeiramente, sinto que é um fantasma.
Criei aversão a horários, a rotinas, durante a adolescência. Tudo o que se parecesse com autoridade, rejeitava veementemente.

Como dizia Eugene O’Neill, “por mais triste que fosse o que eu contava, ainda era mais triste o que eu escondia”
Quando a tristeza é muito profunda nunca se consegue revelar completamente.
Habituarmo-nos à tristeza é o mais fácil, dá menos trabalho.
O medo do desconhecido pode impedir-nos de viver. 
É o medo que o desconhecido traga sofrimentos maiores do que aqueles que já conhecemos.

Aldina Duarte

segunda-feira, 28 de agosto de 2017

De que Serve a Bondade

De que serve a bondade 
Quando os bondosos são logo abatidos, ou são abatidos 
Aqueles para quem foram bondosos?

De que serve a liberdade 
Quando os livres têm que viver entre os não-livres?

De que serve a razão 
Quando só a sem-razão arranja a comida de que cada um precisa?

Em vez de serdes só bondosos, esforçai-vos 
Por criar uma situação que torne possível a bondade, e melhor; 
A faça supérflua!

Em vez de serdes só livres, esforçai-vos 
Por criar uma situação que a todos liberte 
E também o amor da liberdade 
Faça supérfluo!

Em vez de serdes só razoáveis, esforçai-vos 
Por criar uma situação que faça da sem-razão dos indivíduos 
Um mau negócio!

Bertold Brecht
in, 'Lendas, Parábolas, Crónicas, Sátiras e outros Poemas' 

Does Everyone Have A Soul Mate?

Chapter Fifteen
Does Everyone Have A Soul Mate?

 Completion is the call to wholeness. This desire expresses itself in many
ways upon our planet. With ever greater passion and rising complexity,
 the craving for soul connection has rapidly increased on all levels. In
our travels around this amazing planet, at every event we appear at,
inevitably we are asked: "How can I find my soul mate, and how can I
have a relationship like yours?"
  Regardless of the Quantum Leap approaching us, or our hunger to
participate in the universe, it is this basic yearning that still propels the
actions of most. The sincerity of this yearning for true union--beyond sex,
familial obligation, or worldly success--cannot be denied. And from this
springs the obvious question: Why are we preoccupied with union?
  Know that collectively, we have already entered into a new relationship
with ourselves, with each other, and with the universe. The four primary
soul groups are presently in the process of reunification in final prepara-
tion for the leap in consciousness that is upon us, now.
  Many are being called to new interactions with those they love, espe-
cially since the karmic release at the millennium. Recognize that Partner-
ship is the energy of the Quantum Leap, not relationship. Relationships
are now failing and will continue to fail as part and parcel of the energy
that is clinging to Density Consciousness.
Relationship = Me in relation to You
  Partnership = Us
Partnership must be accepted as the new paradigm for couples. While
this may not seem new to you in concept, go beyond your physical
mind and enter the Realm of Ascension Awareness. We know from the
Pyramid of Spiritual Awakening that the levels of Density Conscious-
ness and Spiritual Activism embody, to some extent, both judgment and
a "me vs. you" orientation. They are the perfect environment in which
the relationship model to flourish.
  Yet, if you have become aware of your own energetic realignment
in relation to the universal flow, chances are you have also undergone
serious relationship failure at one time or another. Untold numbers
of couples who have tolerated lukewarm complacency for years are
rapidly separating, due to the need for one or both to realign with
vibrationally compatible partners. Many more are simply refusing to
enter into relationship at all, knowing that interactions with any who
are not energetically aligned would be futile.
"What most people refer to as a Soul Mate is actually a Karmic Mate."
   This relationship is characterized by a magnetic attraction and perhaps
 a sense of resolution. The Sacred Union, on the other hand, is character-
 ized by a sense of completion. Because it has never happened before,
 the feelings and perceptions attendant upon the Sacred Union may be
 unlike anything you have ever experienced." 
 Prior to the millennium, we often fell in love because of the inner
excitement of having found someone for karmic resolution. The
magnetism of the karmic imperative brought us together. 
In recent
years, with the release of karma, people are being called to find their
true energetic counterparts. These partnerships bring people of the
same soul groups together for their mutual expansion and reunion
in consciousness. 
"ME" - "YOU"  Relationship Compatibility > "MeYou" = 2
Sacred Union Partnership > "YUMI" = 1
 The above diagram shows the past paradigm of me and you coming
 together in relationship, still as a me and a you. In Sacred Union, the me
 and the you completely merge, becoming the Yumi soul. Ifs not that
 the you or the me is lost; rather, there are neither secrets nor energetic
 hold-backs. The Union is complete.
   When we understand the difference between a karmic-mate relation-
 ship and a Sacred Union Partnership, the impact becomes clear. With the
 release of karmic obligation, the opportunity to claim self-responsibility
 as a conscious co-creator is upon us now. Whether mindfully conscious
 of this choice or not, at a cellular level all beings are experiencing this
call to completion.
   Simply put, the relationship of the self is now seeking partnership
with the universe. Breaking free of the chaotic energy stream of density
frees you to experience partnership in all-ways! Conversely, aligning
with the chaotic density offers a relationship playground on which one
experiences repetitive patterns, repeatedly deriving lessons from those
patterns until a new choice is made. 

"In the world of duality, everything is a relationship. In the world
of Oneness, everything is love."
Understanding soul groups requires more than a chapter, and indeed
warrants full attention as its own book. Know in this moment that you
can recognize your own partnership with the universe at any time.
  When another realm first offered information to us about the
four soul groups on the planet, the differences between relationship
and partnership became clear. It also expanded our understanding of
ourselves, and why we are all seeking reunification at this time.


  1. Union: Souls that were birthed as one. They were separated at
      the end of the density experience of Atlantis-literally split in
      half. They are seeking to reunify with their other soul-half. These
      souls seek deep Union with one who is carrying the same energy
      signature, literally their "other half." They may have had many
      marriages in their search for this Union. Often, they have held a
      lifelong remembrance of another "half." Most union souls will
      never give up on partnership, despite many perceived relation-
      ship failures.
  2. Omni: Souls that have always remained as one experience of light
      throughout all density experiences. They are complete without a
      partner, being in fullness with the Divine always, although they
      may not be aware of this connection until later in life. Often this
      group tries to enter into relationships only to find them temporary.
      Until self-realized, they can be perceived as non-caring, quick to
      end relationships, or detached and leery of commitment. They
      are simply whole within themselves. They usually find peace
      through quiet communion with the Divine (or themselves, until
      fully realized). Omni souls make ideal nuns or monks. 
   3. Dual: Souls birthed as one complete soul, yet have another Divine
      counterpart (similar to twins). Different from the Union soul, they
      are whole as individuals yet find greater Divine Communion with
      their counterpart. Often confused with the Union soul. Dual souls
are looking for their "cosmic twin" who, when found, may even look
physically alike. However, they can find earthly fulfillment without 
their counterpart, as may the Omni. Dual souls are in fact complete 
within themselves. They can also expand their recognition of 
consciousness in Sacred Partnership with their twin, similar to the 
dynamics of the Union soul. 
    4. Multi-expressional: Souls that have always embodied many
       expressions of light, and seek to incorporate all expressions.
       Birthed as one soul, they have the capacity to express in many
       ways, and often have done this throughout the universe. Multi-
       expressional souls have a built-in desire to integrate all of their
       experiences with as many as possible. It is their way of bringing
       all experiences back to the Divine. This group often embraces
       polyamory and may find it challenging to stay in a committed
       relationship for very long. They love to exchange energy, and are
       best suited to be in partnership with one another, or with a fully
       realized Omni.

  As you review these soul groups, remember that you are viewing
them from the standpoint of reverse engineering. These four groups
were birthed as The Travelers. Throughout our experiences of density,
they have further refined themselves, split again and again, and lost
their distinctions in the constructs of this planet. 
  In modern times, many people have yearned for a soul mate, and
many have felt frustrated. As you welcome the discernment regarding
the four soul groups, it will become easier to understand why some
relationships never quite "fit," even though the people involved had
similar values and interests. 
 We are beyond the time when fitting together at the personality level
is enough. Yearning for true energetic alignment and deep congruence,
the soul groups are coming back together and recreating the pure stream
of energy. Many are finding themselves called into new partnerships as
a result of this yearning for alignment. 
   These expressions of light form the original intent of the Travelers to
enrich the experience of expansion through adventures in density. Scan-
ning the four groups, you are most likely looking for yourself. You are
 in there! Recognizing your own soul energy can help you understand
your particular experiences in relationship and partnership. A deep
 inner peace is found through reunion with one's true soul group. Years
 of event-responses, especially in areas of relationship and partnership,
 suddenly make sense. Actions and ways of being that may have been
 shrouded by societal judgment are understood, thereby relaxing self-
 judgment and creating the spaciousness that is self-love. 
   Many ask: "Does it matter what soul group my partner comes from?"
   This is a valuable question, and the answer is yes and no.
 The response depends largely upon the soul group and emotional matu-
 rity of the questioner. A basic compatibility chart is included below;
 however, anyone can transcend density energy and be complete with
 another in the fifth dimension. Remember, we are all one. Soul groups
 emerged as original creations, expressing as sparks of light. The chart
 will guide you in finding the "ah-ha" moment for yourself, past rela-
 tionships, and perhaps your perfect partnership.

  Seek reunification
 Many relationships
"Knowing" of another
Seek to not feel alone
 Perceived as distant
Find peace with God
  Seek Themselves
  Feel Complete alone
Better in Partnership
 Seek many experiences
Enjoy multiple partners
 Important to integrate

Sri Ram Kaa, Kira Raa 
in, 2012 Awakening: Choosing Spiritual Enlightenment Over Armageddon

Ando vidrada com este livro...
Sempre pensei que, tínhamos vidas sucessivas para evoluirmos como almas.
Mas, andava aqui numa luta com esta ideia porque, se somos energia cósmica já somos evoluídos.
Andei a pesquisar sobre isto e, não se clarificava na minha cabeça.

Até que encontrei este livro e deu-se o "Aahhhh!!!"

Sou energia cósmica.
Sou o próprio Universo a conhecer-se a si próprio através das minhas múltiplas existências.
Aqui no Planeta Terra, e em outros Mundos, em outras Dimensões.
Não existem Salvadores para nos libertarem.
O Salvador somos nós próprios.
Essa Libertação acontecerá através da aceitação e reconhecimento de que somos co-criadores com a Fonte, vendo que toda a dualidade será integrada e retornada a um estado de equilíbrio.
E existem 2 razões para as minhas vidas sucessivas aqui no Planeta Terra:
- Realinhamento Energético com o Fluxo Cósmico.
- Expandir através do alinhamento energético com o Cosmos.

Realinhamento e Expansão Energética!!!
É por isso que estamos cá temporariamente na matéria sucessivamente.
Até ultrapassarmos a Dualidade.
E passarmos a vibrar numa frequência superior.
Só aí nos libertaremos desta Matrix (Barreira de Frequência), da Densidade Energética.

A Energia Expande-se sempre que encontra obstáculos!
É a Quadratura do Círculo, a Proporção Áurea... O Homem Vesuviano do Da Vinci!
Isto é a Expansão Energética!!!!
Se um raio de luz entra num muro quadrado, ele vai expandir-se até formar um círculo, até o quadrado ficar dentro do círculo. e dá-se a expansão, sem limites!
Nós estamos a viver a Expansão da Densidade...estamos a caminho de engolir o quadrado, de dissolver os nossos limites impostos pela nossa mente, e realinharmo-nos com o Fluxo Ilimitado.
Como se os átomos e as moléculas do nosso corpo físico se realinhassem com os átomos e as moléculas do Cosmos.


Isto é Fascinante!!!!
Quando nos livramos de velhas crenças...e novas ideias nos invadem.

Será através de sua aceitação e reconhecimento de que vocês são co-criadores com a Fonte, vendo que toda a dualidade será integrada e retornada a um estado de equilíbrio.

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Cantiga de Viúvo

A noite caiu na minh'alma,
fiquei triste sem querer.
Uma sombra veio vindo,
veio vindo, me abraçou.
Era a sombra de meu bem
que morreu há tanto tempo.

Me abraçou com tanto amor
me apertou com tanto fogo
me beijou, me consolou.

Depois riu devagarinho,
me disse adeus com a cabeça
e saiu. Fechou a porta.
Ouvi seus passos na escada.
Depois mais nada...

Carlos Drummond de Andrade
in, Alguma Poesia

Solar System

You are in a constant, 
cosmic dance 
with the universe. 

 Nassim Haramein

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

A Balada do Café Triste

Comprei-lhe «A Balada do Café Triste»
depois de quase ter passado por ladrão
de livros, mexendo-lhes sem olhar
para eles enquanto rondava de todos
os lados aqueles olhos que se viam
de qualquer ponto da feira, mesmo
se houvesse obstáculos o verde
atravessava-os, o verde tornava tudo
verde entre mim e ela, e no meio
dessa cor unânime a rapariga
era ainda mais. Pouco importa,
leitor, se houve depois alguma história,
entre homem e mulher não se passa
muito mais: uns olhos que de repente
são necessários e pelos quais passamos
por ladrões de livros ou pior.
Nunca li «A Balada do Café Triste».

Pedro Mexia
in, Menos por Menos


Estava conversando com uma amiga, dia desses.
Ela comentava sobre uma terceira pessoa, que eu não conhecia.
Descreveu-a como sendo boa gente, esforçada, ótimo caráter. “Só tem um probleminha: não é habitada”. Rimos. É uma expressão coloquial na França habité mas nunca tinha escutado por estas paragens e com este sentido.

Lembrei-me de uma outra amiga que, de forma parecida, também costuma dizer “aquela ali tem gente em casa”quando se refere a pessoas que fazem diferença. 

Uma pessoa pode ser altamente confiável, gentil, carinhosa, simpática, mas se não é habitada, rapidinho coloca os outros pra dormir. Uma pessoa habitada é uma pessoa possuída, não necessariamente pelo demo, ainda que satanás esteja longe de ser má referência.

Clarice Lispector certa vez escreveu uma carta a Fernando Sabino dizendo que faltava demónio em Berna, onde morava na ocasião. 
A Suíça, de fato, é um país de contos de fada onde tudo funciona, onde todos são belos, onde a vida parece uma pintura, um rótulo de chocolate. Mas falta uma ebulição que a salve do marasmo. 

Retornando ao assunto: pessoas habitadas são aquelas possuídas, de fato, por si mesmas, em diversas versões. Os habitados estão preenchidos de indagações, angústias, incertezas, mas não são menos felizes por causa disso. Não transformam suas “inadequações” em doença, mas em força e curiosidade.
Não recuam diante de encruzilhadas, não se amedrontam com transgressões, não adotam as opiniões dos outros para facilitar o diálogo. São pessoas que surpreendem com um gesto ou uma fala fora do script, sem nenhuma disposição para serem bonecos de ventríloquos.
Ao contrário, encantam pela verdade pessoal que defendem. Além disso, mantêm com a solidão uma relação mais do que cordial. 

Então são as criaturas mais incríveis do universo?
Não necessariamente.
Entre os habitados há de tudo, gente fenomenal e também assassinos, pervertidos e demais malucos que não merecem abrandamento de pena pelo fato de serem, em certos aspectos, bastante interessantes. Interessam, mas assustam. Interessam, mas causam dano. 
Eu não gostaria de repartir a mesa de um restaurante com Hannibal Lecter, “The Cannibal”, ainda que eu não tenha dúvida de que o personagem imortalizado por Anthony Hopkins renderia um papo mais estimulante do que uma conversa com, sei lá, Britney Spears, que só tem gente em casa porque está grávida. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Que tenhamos a sorte de esbarrar com seres habitados e ao mesmo tempo inofensivos, cujo único mal que possam fazer é nos fascinar e nos manter acordados uma madrugada inteira.
Ou a vida inteira, o que é melhor ainda.

Martha Medeiros

sexta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2017



Todas as coisas são mesa para os pensamentos
onde faço minha vida de paz,
num peso íntimo de alegria como um existir de mão
fechada puramente sobre o ombro.
- Junto a coisas magnânimas de água
e espíritos,
a casas e achas de manso consumindo-se,
ervas e barcos mortos - meus pensamentos se criam
com um outrora casto, um sabor
de terra velha e pão diurno.
E em cada minuto a criatura
feliz do amor, a nua criatura
da minha história de desejo,
inteiramente se abre em mim como um tempo,
uma pedra simples,
ou um nascer de bichos num lugar de maio.
Ela explica tudo, e o vir para mim -
como se levantam paredes brancas
ou se dão festas nos dedos espantados das crianças
- é a vida ser redonda
com seus ritmos futuros e mortos.
Tudo é trigo que se coma e ela
é o trigo das coisas,
o último sentido do que acontece hesitante
pelos dias dentro.
Espero cada momento seu
como se espera o rebentar das amoras
e a suave loucura das uvas sobre o mundo.
- E o resto é uma altura oculta,
um leite e uma vontade de cantar.


Accepting your darkest emotions is the key to psychological health

Rumi, the 13th-century Sufi poet, famously compared emotions—”a joy, a depression, a meanness”—to “unexpected visitors.” His advice was to let them in laughing, but that’s not what we do. Instead, we pretend not to notice, or even hide. We want to bury resentment and anger, or trade loneliness in for the more fashionable gratitude.

In a cultural age that’s decidedly pro-positivity, the pressure to suppress or camouflage negative feelings is real.
However, psychological studies have shown that acceptance of those negative emotions is the more reliable route to regaining and maintaining peace of mind. Whether practiced through the lens of ancient Eastern philosophies, or in increasingly popular forms of treatment like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, acceptance of one’s dark emotions is now backed by a body of evidence connecting the habit to better emotional resilience, and fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety.

 Acceptance, therefore, is having a moment—at least among academics. But how and why it works has been little studied, says Brett Ford, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto. Not quite a strategy, she tells Quartz, “acceptance involves not trying to change how we are feeling, but staying in touch with your feelings and taking them for what they are.” So, she asks, how can it be that accepting negative emotions is paradoxically linked to long-term psychological thriving?

A few years ago, when Ford was a doctoral student at University of California, Berkeley, she and three fellow Berkeley researchers devised a three-part study to try and find out. Their findings were just published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
According to their analyses, the magic of acceptance is in its blunting effect on emotional reactions to stressful events. It’s that mechanism that can, over time, lead to positive psychological health, including higher levels of life satisfaction. In other words, accepting dark emotions like anxiety or rage, won’t bring you down or amplify the emotional experience. Nor will it make you “happy”—at least not directly.

“You always interpret null effects very cautiously,” Ford says, “but to us, it appears that acceptance uniquely affects negative emotions, and isn’t interfering with positive emotions.”

What’s more, acceptance seems to be linked to better mental health when it’s used in response to negative emotions, not positive ones, she adds, so this is not about living in the world with a “broadly detached attitude.” No need to play it too cool.

Fortunately, acceptance works for a diverse range of people—the researchers found it’s not bound to one socioeconomic or racial group. It also appears to be effective whether people are dealing with feelings related to intense life events or minor inconveniences.

Finally, they assert, acceptance is more connected to better psychological health than other mental modes that fall under the general umbrella of “mindfulness,” such as practicing non-reactivity, for instance, or simply observing. “You need to pay attention to your internal experience,” says Ford, “but acceptance, non-judging acceptance, seems to be the key ingredient to mindfulness.”

Three tests of acceptance

Ford’s findings were drawn from at least one and often two parts of the three-part study.
First, researchers analyzed responses from more than 1,000 questionnaires focused on emotional regulation and psychological health sent to undergraduate students at University of California, Berkeley. Habitually accepting negative emotions was found to not only reduce feelings of ill-being (which previous studies had demonstrated), but also was more likely to lead to elevated levels of well-being.

Next, the psychologists recruited 156 people from the San Francisco Bay area for a lab experiment that subjected participants to standardized universal stressor: a public speaking task. “We had people show up and we told them, ‘By the way, you’re going to give a three-minute speech pretending you’re at a job interview and you have to talk about your verbal and written communication skills,’” Ford says. The hypothesis was that those who had been identified as more accepting of their negative mental states would report less severe negative emotions, which was proven to be true. Again, the researchers were building on the work of other psychologists, but, they also tested the robustness of the accepting method by ensuring that at least half of the selected participants had experienced a major negative experience, such as being cheated on or losing their jobs in the months before the study.

In the last study, the researchers asked 222 people of various races and socioeconomic backgrounds, this time recruited from the Denver area, to keep a diary in which they recounted the most stressful event of each day over a two-week period. Their baseline acceptance habits were measured before the diary-writing period, and their general psychological well-being was measured through standardized questionnaires six months later. Habitual acceptors, let’s call them, fared better than their peers, whether the incidents they wrote about were heavy (receiving a phone call from a son in prison, for instance) or relatively mild (minor arguments with a significant other was a common stressor.)

Resist the urge to strive for happiness

Buddhist leaders often underline that “acceptance” doesn’t mean being resigned to a stressful, negative situation, especially when the situation is within your control. Accepting situations is more complex and context-dependent, says Ford. We need to accept a death, but we don’t need to endure unfair treatment from a landlord or employer, for instance, and doing so might lead to worse mental health.

Negative emotions are different, because they’re an unavoidable part of being human. “Life is wonderful from time to time, but it’s also tragic,” as Svend Brinkmann, a psychology professor at Denmark’s Aalborg University, told Quartz’s philosophy reporter Olivia Goldhill.

 “People die in our lives, we lose them, if we have only been accustomed to being allowed to have positive thoughts, then these realities can strike us even more intensely when they happen—and they will happen.”

The other problem with only allowing ourselves to think positively, and constantly pursuing happiness, is that it puts people in a striving state of mind, says Ford, and that is antithetical to a state of calm contentment.

Ford believes her research could help inform future mental health interventions, which currently rely on some approaches that can fail people. “When something happens and you try to reframe it like, ‘Oh it’s not of such a big deal,’ or ‘I’m going to learn and grow from that that,’ it doesn’t necessarily work,” says Ford. People tend to reject that kind of reframing when their issues are severe, too.

That said, acceptance remains mysterious in some ways. Psychologists don’t know which factors influence some people to habitually accept less-than-rosy emotions, despite cultural pressures to stay positive. It’s also unclear whether acceptance might backfire in some individuals, or if people who usually suppress their darker feelings could seamlessly make the transition without the aid of a therapist or zen teacher.

“My hunch is that it’d be a challenge,” says Ford. In the West, and in the US, especially, she says, happiness and positivity are seen as virtues. “Some companies want their customers and employees to be delighted all the time,” she says. “That’s unreasonable, and when we’re faced with unreasonable expectations, it’s natural for us to start applying judgment to the negative mental experiences that we have.”

Like other cognitive habits, however, acceptance is a skill that can be acquired. (One commonly taught tactic is to think of your emotions as passing clouds, visible but not a part of you.) And according to a study Ford co-authored in 2010, older adults use acceptance more than younger adults. Like wisdom, the trait tracks with age, so most of us will get there eventually.

 Lila MacLellan