domingo, 22 de março de 2020

4109 people die of tuberculosis PER DAY.


DO NOT trust the World Health Organization which has strong ties with Bill Gates and control by the Rockerfellers and Rothchilds. The WHO is driving this coronavirus narrative and I noticed they had a spokesman from the WHO on 60 Minutes...They are NOT good examples of what health really looks like. But I'm going to quote some things I found on their website about tuberculosis (TB) and which  claim is a Global Pandemic even today.

The TB Alliance claim that TB kills someone every 21 seconds. 
4109 people die of tuberculosis PER DAY.

The WHO claims 
1 million children will be affected by tuberculosis per year.

It is apparently the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. 
The World Health Organization estimates that 1.8 billion people—close to one quarter of the world's population—are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the bacteria that they 'claim' causes TB.

In 2018, 10 million fell ill from TB and 1.5 million died.

So now we have this huge push once again to convince everyone that germs are the enemy.
It does not matter whether it's the flu, tuberculosis, coronavirus, etc.
Once the fear sets in that germs need to be avoided at all costs it's really hard to it did with many back in the 30's.

The cause of disease is not germs, it's toxicity ie. poisons. 
Unless we get that this is how the body is actually dealing with toxicity, 'infectious diseases' are here to stay, vaccine or not! 
In fact we don't need another poisonous vaccine which just keeps this paranoia spiral spinning, creating more drugs and treatment...and death.

Kathy Hughes

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