sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014

Press TV...and Mark Billington

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Billington, with the Executive Intelligence Review from Leesburg, to discuss tensions in US-Russia relations.

Below is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Mr. Billington Russia has said that it is trying to become more independent in the light of these tensions with the West, specifically these sanctions being imposed.

Is this then going to backfire on the West?

Billington: Absolutely. I think that this is yet another proof of these sanctions themselves that in fact the crisis over Ukraine and Crimea is not really over Ukraine and Crimea; it is over the collapse of the Western financial system.

In fact just today S&P notified all the banks in Europe that they will be downgraded soon because of the adoption this week by the EU of what they call a single resolution mechanism, which is essentially a bail-in, a plan that when the banks begin to collapse, they are going to, simply, steal from the accounts in those banks, as they did in Cyprus last year.

So this is going to lead to a total panic collapse of the entire Western banking system and in general the sanctions being imposed against Russia, which as your story said, the Russians will deal with this by developing their own collaboration with other Eurasian nations; it will hurt but they will deal with it.

The fact is that it is going to hurt the West far more than it hurts Russia and the point is that the West, the British Empire, as LaRouche has said repeatedly, the Empire meaning the financial institutions in London and Wall Street, do not give a damn about the economies in the West; they only care about the financial power of the bankrupt financial system and therefore they are willing to provoke a war, as they are now trying to do with Russia, in order to have what they consider their right to loot Ukraine, Russia, China and so forth to prop up this bankrupt, moribund, collapsing financial system in the West.

This is going to lead to thermonuclear war very soon, unless in fact the cause of this, which is Obama and the British Empire in London are removed through impeaching Obama.

Press TV: But Mr. Billington very quickly if you can, we are also seeing this willingness on the part of Russia to consolidate its interests with the BRICS group of nations, Brazil, China, South Africa and India and as many have pointed out, once integrated properly, these economies can rival the financial institutions of the West, as you just outlined.

So are these certain measures being taken into account by the West, even going to help?

Billington: The ability of the BRICS and the Eurasian nations to unite and work together is very important but it will not serve as a counter to the collapse of the Western economies.

This cannot be a competition, if the massive quadrillion dollar bubble in the West in not eliminated through implementing Franklin Roosevelt-type Glass-Steagall legislation so that we can restore sanity in America and in Europe, there will be global thermonuclear war and the collaboration of the Eurasian and BRICS nations is not going to save them from the holocaust, the thermonuclear war.

We have to solve the problem in the West, not have a surrounding of the wagons in order to create a Eurasia or BRICS which can somehow compete with a West, which is collapsing into fascist police state measures, economic decay. We have to resolve that problem as citizens of the world with all nations of Eurasia working with those of us in America, who are committed to restoring America and Europe to its historic role as nation-builders, as republics, in collaboration with what should be our true allies in Russia, in China and Iran and so forth.

Press TV: And very quickly if you can Mr. Billington. Is there a political will and even awareness in order to bring this about?

Billington: In the West?

Press TV: Precisely.

Billington: There is a growing awareness in the West that Obama is stark raving mad, that he is trying to provoke a war with Russia, which will be thermonuclear, which Putin and Russia will not back down, nor will China.

And there is a growing recognition that his police-state measures here especially the recent discovery or the making public of the fact that Obama and his CIA were spying on our own Congress, in fact on the committee that was investigating the CIA torture under Dick Cheney.

So this is leading to impeachment, that has not happened yet, it has to happen quickly but there is a growing rage in America including amongst leading Democrats like Dianne Feinstein and the Senate that we are dealing with the out of control dictator in the White House who has to be removed.

The problem is, The Wall Street, Federal Reserve, I.M.F., World Bank way of doing things, only works if they can control everybody.
The people of The U.S.A. and E.U. are not going to be kept in poverty by International Zionist Bankers and Corporations, if it is seen peoplein other countries, not living under that type of debtslavery.
So the plan is not only to get World War Three to destroy the countries that will not bow to The NewWorld Order, but to kill one billions people in anuclear war, so there will be less people for The New World Order-Zionist Bankers-Corporations to control.

What we need is free energy devices that Nicola Tesla invented. 
We need to stop fracking and the wars over resources. 
Its really stupid that we are using antiquated technologies.

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