quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2024

The Magic of Surrender: Finding the Courage to Let Go

It’s always going to be the harmony between what we do for ourselves, what we do to restore ourselves and keep ourselves resilient. Also, what we do to take care of other people and handle our responsibilities and commitments. 

That’s the relationship that’s constantly in flux and being managed. 
In case you’re wondering if I’m struggling to find the word balance, I’m intentionally not using that word. To me, balance always felt more like the stress of trying to keep things even and equal. I don’t know that harmony is about things being even or equal. I don’t know that it’s about a magic formula. 
In many ways, it is about how things harmonize one to the other.

Kute Blackson discusses the power of surrender and how it can help individuals manifest their true purpose in life. He explains how our childhood conditioning causes us to be disconnected from our intuition and trust in life, leading us to pursue goals and desires that may not align with our authentic selves. 

Kute Blackson lays the blueprint for learning how to surrender to life and in turn manifest your true purpose. He shares the power of surrender and how our childhood conditioning causes us to be divorced from our intuition and trust with life. He explains the different stages of surrender: from avoidance, to  questioning, to accepting, to grieving; and provides actionable steps for going through this process yourself.

The Essence of Surrender is not about giving up or being passive, but about allowing a greater intelligence to flow through us and manifest our highest destiny. He emphasizes that surrender opens us up to greater possibilities beyond what our limited ego can conceive.
True surrender is not passive resignation, but an active allowing of a greater intelligence to flow through us.
Surrender opens us up to possibilities beyond what our ego-mind can conceive or plan for.

Surrender is the invitation to take all limits off of life itself. So magic can happen. More than you can imagine. More than you could ever plan. More than you are able to fathom.
This is the magic. And, if you want magic… you must surrender.

We are conditioned from childhood to develop an egoic identity and strategies to avoid pain, which disconnects us from our true essence. He invites us to question whether we are living as our authentic self or merely playing out childhood conditioning.

Listening to the subtle nudges and whispers from within, often dismissed as mere overthinking or imagination. Kute emphasizes that these taps are more than just fleeting thoughts; they are purposeful signals meant to guide us toward our true path. By acknowledging and trusting these inner calls, we can open ourselves up to opportunities specifically crafted for us and align more closely with our life's purpose.

It starts with acknowledging and feeling those inner nudges, whether they manifest as subtle imbalances or more significant signs. By surrendering our preconceived notions and societal expectations, we begin to uncover our true essence. This process is not about making grand gestures but recognizing and untangling the lies we have told ourselves. As Kute beautifully puts it, surrender is the password to freedom, leading to a life beyond anything we could have planned for ourselves.

As he writes in his book, surrender determines the degree to which we can fully experience life. It's about realizing that we are the ones the world has been waiting for, and that our unique contributions, no matter how small, are significant. Surrendering means letting go of our need for control and trusting the process, even when it involves discomfort and uncertainty. This approach allows life to flow more naturally and enables us to live in alignment with our true selves.

The book is a guide to moving past inner struggle to discover the power of relinquishing control.

Too often we limit our lives by putting conditions on them. We think things should go a certain way, and when they don’t, we hold on to what isn’t working, reinforcing what is causing us pain and affirming our lack of trust in the universe. There is another way: We can harness the power of relinquishing control and discover more purpose and meaning in our lives.

After the passing of Kute Blackson’s mother in 2017, he discovered that the powerful lesson his mother had been modeling her whole life had always been at the heart of his own teachings–he just hadn’t realized it. What was that keen insight? Surrender isn’t passive. It isn’t giving up. It’s strong and courageous. It’s about tapping in. 

In this inspiring book, Blackson traces how surrender was a key factor in the lives of so many great people throughout history, and shows readers how they can move past self-imposed barriers in their lives to discover the freedom and possibility on the other side of surrender.

The 5 stages of surrender: 

  1. Avoidance, living conditioned by the childhood, stuck in limitation without realizing it,
  2. Questioning our conditioning when it causes suffering, 
  3. Acceptance of what is, 
  4. Grieving what needs to be released, 
  5. Surrender, let go of control and be open to new possibilities.

He emphasizes that grieving is a crucial yet often overlooked phase before genuine surrender can occur.

Trust in Life's Greater Intelligence 
Trust that there is an intelligence greater than our ego guiding life, even when things don't go as planned. He shares personal examples of how saying 'no' to seemingly great opportunities allowed something far greater to emerge, underscoring the importance of letting go of attachments.

Embodying Spirituality Through Service
The true essence of spirituality lies not in philosophy, but in the embodiment of love through selfless service. Authentically serving others, even in small acts, is how spirituality is truly lived.

Finding Perspective Amidst Life's Tragedies
Find perspective and acceptance when confronted with the immense tragedies and suffering in the world. Viewing life as a realm of limitation and duality, where challenges catalyze soul growth, allows us to have compassion while taking inspired action from a place of non-resistance.

He emphasizes the importance of trusting life's intelligence and facing the facts when things aren't working out, rather than forcing situations that don't align with one's true path. 
Blackson also addresses navigating the world's great tragedies through the lens of the soul's growth and evolution.

Blackson encourages people to let go of their egoic desires and attachment to specific outcomes, and instead surrender to the deeper impulses and intuitive guidance that emerge from within. 
He highlights the transformative power of living in alignment with one's authentic essence and serving others selflessly.


  1. Surrender is the key to true manifestation, freedom, and living in alignment with one's authentic purpose.
  2. Childhood conditioning disconnects us from our intuition and authentic desires, leading us to pursue goals that may not be aligned with our true selves.
  3. The process of surrender involves questioning, accepting, and grieving before reaching a state of true embodied surrender.
  4. Trusting life's intelligence and letting go of attachment to specific outcomes can lead to manifestations beyond our egoic expectations.
  5. Navigating tragedies and challenges through the lens of the soul's growth and evolution can provide a more expansive perspective.
  6. Living in service to others and expressing one's authentic essence is the embodiment of true spirituality.
  7. Facing the facts when situations aren't working out, rather than forcing them, is necessary for aligning with one's true path.
  8. The journey of pursuing goals is often more transformative than the actual manifestation of the goal itself.

Quotes by Kute Blackson:

“Surrender is the most powerful thing that we can do, that surrender is the real secret to manifestation, like unlimited manifestation, authentic manifestation, that surrender is the real password to freedom.“

“The real secret to manifestation between acceptance and surrender is a phase that most people miss. And that phase is, that's when this intelligence that is life starts to flow.“

“You don't have to know where you're going, but if you simply say yes to the most authentic impulse and then you go, all in, life will take you on a journey and force you to evolve beyond your current level of consciousness.“

“Sometimes life will give you what you want. Sometimes life will not give you what you want, but you can always give life who you are.“

 “I believe that surrender is the most powerful thing that we can do, that surrender is the real secret to manifestation, like unlimited manifestation, authentic manifestation, that surrender is the real password to freedom.“ 

“And if life is a university in a metaphorical sense, then perhaps this Mandez is in the PhD program and you're the one in kindergarten.“

" The next level of your life, requires the next level of you!" 

 “Stop trying to control life, it’s impossible. Stop trying to force and control life to be what you think it should be. When you are wrestling with life itself, you won't win. Life is the ultimate heavyweight champion. You won't win against it.”

"Surrender is the willingness to not know, to give up the need to know."

"Go in the direction that is authentic, even though you don't understand where it's going to lead."

"Your dreams don't just belong to you. If you think like that, that's when the ego gets involved and wants to own it."

 Kute Blackson about the book:

"Visualization and this whole creative manifestation process have to be held lightly because many times, we think we know what we want. We go for what we want only to realize, “That’s not what I wanted,” but it was a journey that we needed to go on. Sometimes, our capacity to visualize and perceive goals, dreams and desires is limited to the level of our current consciousness and our current evolution. From the current consciousness of our own ego structure in this particular moment, we aren’t necessarily able to see the total infinite possibilities and tapestries of what life itself is seeking to express through us.

Many times, what we visualize and what we project onto life is based on our personality, conditioning, past, programming and childhood. Some of the things we visualize, dream about, want, design and what have you are ways to get some unmet needs as a child. We think, “If I can be on stage, if I can do that thing, if I can win an Oscar, if I can drive a car, then I’m going to finally be enough.” 
We have to be careful. That’s why for me, part of the theme of the book and where I’ve come to at this moment is a shift.

What I wanted to invite people to is a shift in paradigm from an ego persona and a personal power way of living life, a drive of life that moves from, “What do I want?” The notion of “I” is limited in and of itself. It’s an identity-based thing. It doesn’t mean we can’t create an incredible life from the sense of I and ego and personal sense of self. We can create a good life. What I’m inviting people to consider is I don’t believe you can create a truly great life. 

I’m inviting people to consider rather than asking,
“What do I want?” 
It’s opening to feeling and tuning into beyond one’s self. 
What is it that life wants to express through me? 
What is it that I surrender my idea of what my life should look like, who I should be, what my relationship should be, and my idea of everything?

We stop trying to force life and control life to be what we think it should be. 
We open our hearts to our souls. 
We open ourselves to the deepest impulse that life is seeking to express and unfold through us. 
We tune into that, feel that and open to that. 

I have found that we tap into an infinite stream of energy, consciousness, power, and the possibility that the fullness, the magic, the greatness and the infinite intelligence of life are then able to manifest themselves through us. 

Surrender themselves beyond themselves to life and to nature. Life was able to do through them more than they could ever have written in their goal list or journal, more than they could ever put on the poster board. They opened to life and life used them. That’s when miracles happen. 

That’s the whole idea of surrender in The Magic of Surrender. When I say magic, it is more joy, more abundance, more bliss or whatever the magic means to you. When you surrender, surrender is the passport to freedom. 

People think that “If I surrender, I’m not going to get what I want.” 
I’m saying, “If you surrender, what if you got more?”

That’s part of the thing that is a bit of a paradox. 
It’s wanting something, that burning desire, the way people visualize, think about, obsess about what they want, that the pain or the suffering that often is associated with getting something, meaning seeing it through. You visualize you want this thing and then it happens but then you’re still not happy. You still don’t feel fulfilled and worthy. You still didn’t fill the gap that was left by your parents not loving you unconditionally or by life giving you some lemons to deal with or some bad hand.

We live in an infinitely valid but simultaneously contradictory reality inherent in the nature of life. 
The mind wants to hold on to this or that. 
The real freedom in surrender is not in the “this or that.” It’s in the “and.” 

  • Surrender is not just passive. 
  • Surrender is when you stop trying to force life to be a certain way. 
  • Surrender is where you stop negotiating with life and negotiating your destiny. 
  • Surrender is the willingness to not know, to give up the need to know, and follow the energy and the flow. It’s learning to follow the flow. Rather than going to the ocean and trying to make waves happen, you’re feeling for the waves.

Surrender doesn’t mean laziness at the same time. 
Surrender means you give 100% to the moment and you show up fully. 
You give everything going in, following your most authentic, deepest truth at the moment and yet not being attached to the outcome or to the result. There is openness and willingness. 

Sometimes surrender means you feel the deepest impulse of what life is moving through you. To me, this is the expression of love. Love is to follow the most authentic, deep impulse that is moving through you. Sometimes, love is sweet and cuddly. Sometimes love is fierce. If we allow the impulse of love to flow through us, this is surrender. It can look like however it needs to look like at the moment to serve with the highest evolution of everyone involved.

We try to predict what’s that going to look like. I’m saying, “Give up the need to know what that will look like. Even give up the need to know what surrender might look like.” Every time I go into a situation, I do 1, 2, 3. Surrender is following the deepest truth in the moment, which may not always be what you want to do. It may not always be what it was yesterday. It might look different from what it was yesterday. It’s the willingness to meet life innocently in the moment with a pure openness to, “Here I am in this moment. What is the most authentic impulse that can happen in this moment?” To me, the real power of now is to be in the moment, to live in the moment truly from that deepest, authentic place. That might mean protesting. That might mean taking someone to court. That might mean realizing I’m going to have to fight this person. That might mean turning the other cheek.

It’s not because we’re constantly conditioned. One of the ways I see that we’d like to control life is the constant need to know and understand what everything needs. 
What does this relationship mean? 
Where are we going? 
Where is this going? 
What’s going to happen? 
What’s going to happen in the future? Let me reach the astrologer. Let me get the psychic. Let me try and predict. 

Many times, we are projecting, imposing and trying to figure out what everything means. We then end up missing the true and authentic meaning of what it really is. We’re only able to discern the meaning of something based on what’s in our consciousness right now. There are many times where we might think we know what something means but we’re not understanding the true meaning of that situation or that relationship. It’s important to look at where we’re constantly projecting in the moment and into life, “This means this and that.” 
Step back and say, “I don’t need to know what this means.”

We’re meaning-making machines.

We’re constantly making meaning, the challenge is a lot of the meanings we’re making up about situations, people, relationship or what this is are based on the state of our nervous system and programming from our entire life. Every single experience that ever happens to us is stored in our nervous system. The nervous system is that antenna to the world. Information comes in and we are filtering reality through the current state of our nervous system. The nervous system is then making an interpretation about what something means to the best of its ability, which may not mean what it really is. It is just an interpretation that we’re making up that may not be accurate. 
If we’re willing to step back and say, “I don’t need to know. Let me just be.” 
I don’t need to know what this means if we were able to just be open. 
The moment we attach to, “This is what this is,” we’re now not truly open to life.

It’s for safety and security but we end up limiting. 
It’s important that we cultivate curiosity. 
That doesn’t mean we just sit there, watch TV and do nothing. No. 
You move in the direction that is most authentic. 

Many times we’re thinking, “Why?” We’re mentally taking action that is often fear-based. We’re going in directions that aren’t necessarily authentically aligned. I’m saying go in the direction and make a decision that is authentic. Even though you don’t understand where it’s going to lead you, go in that direction. There is intelligence because then you’re following the energy that is not coming from your mind or conditioning. You then cultivate a curiosity. You feel and you go in the direction. You look around. 

Life will start to meet you and reveal to you what’s needed next because then you are in the flow. When you’re in the flow, things start happening that you can’t explain. That’s when I’ve seen the magic happen. That’s when I’ve seen miracles happen. That’s the invitation.

You’re following the energy that’s not something you’re making up in your mind. Sometimes people say, “Why are you doing that?” I’ll say, “I don’t know why.” I’ve given up the need to know why I’m going there. I don’t know why I’m going there. For instance, my intuition guided me to spend a few days in Miami. I stopped questioning why. That’s the question of what I don’t need to know. All I do is follow and obey. Something’s pushing me. This is not my mind. I’m going to take the questioning mechanism out. There’s the intelligence that’s bringing this impulse to my conscious awareness. It’s the same intelligence that’s breathing me, you and a billion people. It’s the same intelligence that functions the sun, the star and the moon. It’s the same intelligence of all existence.

Who the hell am I to question this intelligence? I stopped questioning it. I said, “Let me just take a step. I’m going to go to Miami for four days.” That’s it. I went to Miami for four days. All this amazing strange synchronistic stuff happened that I could not have planned. That same something said to come back to Miami for a month. This is not Kute making it up like, “Yes, do this and plan.” There’s no logic, “Come back to Miami for a month.” After I’m in Miami for a month, after a week, I found this great laugh. Something says, “Move to Miami.” Everything starts falling into place and here I am. Had I heard something say, “Move to Miami,” months ago, I would have said, “Hell no.” 

Sometimes, the universe doesn’t show us everything upfront. Either we’re not ready for it yet. We wouldn’t be open to it yet. We just have to take a step. Life and our purpose reveal to us what’s needed as we take a step. The challenge is many of us don’t take the step. We’re trying to figure out our entire life purpose upfront, but we don’t go in that direction. We don’t take a step. Take a step.

We have lost touch with this innate intelligence that is life. 
People say, “How do I trust life?” 
I look at you and I say, “How can you not trust it?” 
Look around. Every breath that we take is living proof of life’s power, of life’s grace, of the trustworthiness of life. You and I, we’ve been breathing. We’re not sitting here doing some special breath technique. It’s just happening if we just pay attention to nature. We’ve lost touch with nature in our hyper technologized world. We become disconnected from the fact that you and I are a part of nature. If we look at nature, every day the sun shines, the moon rises. I don’t know about you but I can’t remember the last day in my entire life that the sun didn’t rise at 10:00 AM. It was pitch black and we say, “What happened to the sun?” “It just forgot to come up.” Every day, there is a rhythm and a flow. There are the seasons. Every day, it happens for billions of years. It’s this same intelligence. If we start paying attention to nature, the trees, the sun, the laws of life, our body, and the trillions of processes that are happening in our body, in spite of us, something is happening.

Change is the nature of life. Life is a process of continual evolution and that’s just how it is. We are here to evolve and life doesn’t care about comfort or convenience. Life just cares about evolution. If we can surrender to that and realize, “Let me let go of that.” As change is happening, then we’re more able to participate.

We have to be willing to surrender to the fact that life is a constant change. Therefore, when change happens or when you anticipate it, instead of feeling the fear of it and trying to control it or stop it, you could do something else with it. You could be curious about it. You could lean into curiosity.

It’s like being in the ocean. If you go into the ocean, there are waves. It’s the nature of the ocean. Imagine going to the ocean moaning and groaning like, “Why are there waves in the ocean?” It’s the nature of the ocean.

That is not how it is. 
There are moments in our life where we evolve and we outgrow the current level or structures of our life. There comes a moment in life where the life that we’ve created and set up for ourselves is too small for what our soul is seeking to become. 

I always say 
the next level of our life 
always requires the next level of us.

That requires letting go of what is not aligned, letting go of the situations, the identities, and the people that aren’t aligned. That can be a bit of a scary process because we often get identified as the person we’ve become. We often get identified with what we have created. We get identified to the success we have. We get identified with some people in our life. It’s scary to let go but this is the process. What we tend to do in those moments is we hold on, but holding on keeps us stuck.

We were born to fly. 
Let me see if I can lay out a few phases. 
In those moments where change is happening or even before a change is happening, although change is always happening, the first stage might be we’re living in denial. We’re living unconsciously. We’re not even aware that things need to change, at least consciously. That’s one way to stay stuck. 
We then start becoming aware that some things aren’t quite working, “I think I need to change,” but we’re still a little bit afraid to change because we’re afraid of the consequences.
We start moving into a zone of resistance and the ego starts resisting as self-preservation tactics. We start resisting in some way. 
We then begin negotiating with life, “Maybe I can keep this but not do that. I can do that. Maybe that relationship has potential.” We start negotiating with life as a way to keep ourselves stuck. One of the things we do in those moments is lying to ourselves. I’d ask everyone to sit with what lies are they telling themselves and feel the cost of that. 
We then move into a realization that no matter how much we negotiate, it doesn’t change. Things are the same. We’re the same. Our partner is the same and the situation is the same.
We then move to a level of acceptance. We start accepting what is. We often hear the term, “Accept what is.” It’s beautiful. We bring ourselves into a relationship with what’s happening. The thing though is that acceptance is not necessarily surrendering. Most people stop at the level of acceptance. You can be accepting a situation or a person, but still not be at peace internally. You can be accepting a situation or something, but still have the judgment internally that the experience I’m having is not the experience I should be having. I should be having some other experience. If it’s raining outside, you can be like “Shit, it’s raining outside.” You take the umbrella and be moaning and groaning that it’s raining outside, and still not be fully surrendering to the fact that it’s raining.

Surrender is the wholehearted participation. It is the open-hearted participation with the process of life that is unfolding because you realize two things. 
The first thing you realize is everything that happens is for your highest good. The universe is always working for your evolutionary highest good. That’s one. That’s foundational. When you realize if it’s not this, then I believe the universe is clearing things out to bring you something better. That is key. Surrender is possible when you realize or when you remember that the deepest spiritual purpose of life is we incarnate as souls to grow and evolve. Every single experience in our life is a vehicle and a classroom for our souls’ growth and evolution.

When we get that, then surrender is the willingness, even if it’s difficult, challenging, and not easy to open your heart to fully participate with the evolutionary lesson and gifts inherent in every single situation. When we realize that it doesn’t matter what happened, it’s about our evolution, then even though it’s difficult, it makes it a bit easier to surrender to, 
“Let me go for the lesson in this relationship. Let me go for this lesson in this betrayal. What can I learn? Why did I check this situation? What did my soul check this situation? What am I here to learn from this person?”

The difference in questions that people will ask is, 
“Why does this always happen to me? Why am I a victim yet again?”

They are staying stuck in the right or wrong victim game instead of going underneath that to focus on the evolutionary gift. You surrender the victimhood to the evolutionary lesson. 

I have found in any situation that if you go for the soul’s evolutionary lesson, no matter what happened on the surface, you always win. You might say, “that person did this and that person did that.” It’s not your job to repay someone’s karma. You learn your lesson and you will then transcend that lesson. As a result, you graduate to the next level and attract a whole another level of situation and experience.

Surrender is the wholehearted participation where you’re like, “It’s raining outside. Let’s go run naked in the rain. Let’s play with the kids in the rain. Let’s have an intimate dinner.” You’re fully participating. 

The challenge though is between acceptance and surrender, there is a stage that most people miss. 
It is the stage of grieving

Surrender is a death of an old identity, an old belief system or an old way of being. It’s the death of who you thought you were in a certain stage of your life. To truly surrender requires a level of willingness on a human level to surrender to your humanity to grief. By not fully surrendering to grieving sometimes in an effort to stay positive, to not feel, to be in control, we don’t fully allow ourselves to feel and release the grief so that we can let go and open to the authentic, open-hearted surrender. Grieving is an important phase that opens us to surrender. We move into surrender. We then move into the last stage or phase which is the flow or the magic. That’s when the magic happens.

Resilience is the realization, the belief and the understanding that who you are and what you are at your core is more powerful than any fleeting experience that happens in your life. That experiences, situations and moods come and go. If you want any of those things that what you are is an unchanging beingness that is unshakable and unbreakable, that is the core of resilience to me.

My invitation to this book is to open that bigger dimension of life that is inside of us. For every single human being or every single person who feels a calling to make a difference and to impact humanity in some way. It doesn’t have to be on the Mandela level. If you feel an inkling or desire that you’re here for something more or that there is something you want to give, share, create, or express on the planet, then that’s who I want to reach.

Surrendering to life and to being lived by life. That’s the magic. The great ones, all got to the point and this is what made them great. They all got to the point where they realize that my life is not just my life. My dream is not just my dream. Every single person, big or small, your dreams don’t just belong to you. If you think that your dreams are yours, that’s when the ego gets involved. Your ego wants to own it. It then gets freaked out and it starts questioning, “Is it possible? What if it doesn’t work? What if I’m going to fail? What would people think?” You realize that the dream doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to life. 

The dream chose you because every single thing in your life makes you the perfect person. If you realize that the dream chose you, then encoded in that dream is also the seed for self-fulfillment. 

The dream is an impulse of life seeking to express itself through you. If it’s not yours, then it is life’s. We need to understand that we are just a part of life through which it can express itself through, then we realize that we are not the doer.

When we understand that I am not the doer, then something can open and drop away. 
I’m not the doer. This identity, Adam, Kute, Paul, Peter, Jim, John, Susie, Oprah, is not I that does the work. It is the Universe, life, consciousness, “It is the Universe that does the work through me.” When we surrender our sense of being the doer and when we show up and we’re willing to say, 

“Universe, I feel this vision. I feel this dream. I don’t even know how I’m going to do it. I don’t even know if I’m worthy of doing it. I feel it in my heart. I say yes to it. Here’s the secret, use me to fulfill this vision. I’m open. I’m available and I’m willing.” That’s when life will use us in ways that we cannot imagine. I’ve seen it in my own life over and over again. I’ve seen miracles happen that I can’t claim credit for. I’ve seen it in other people’s life. It’s available to us all.

People are afraid to surrender because they think surrender means living in the Himalayas and giving up everything with robes. Does that mean I have nothing, no cell phone, no possessions, no car? That is not necessarily surrendering. Ultimately, we own nothing, we come with nothing and we take nothing. We go through existence. Surrender is not simply about form and structure. True surrender is an inner state of being. True surrender is in your relationship with life. 

In a sense, it’s not about what you have and what you don’t have. It is about your relationship with what you have and what you don’t have, and how free you are inside of yourself about it. You can have nothing, no house, no car, be on the street and inside of yourself be so attached to wanting things.

You could have everything. You could be a billionaire. I know some billionaires and one of them is the most surrendered people I know because truly, he doesn’t care about anything he has. He could have it. He could not have it. I’ve hung out with him and he doesn’t care. Even though he has possessions and owns things because of his internal relationship, it doesn’t own him. There’s a freedom in it that is beautiful to see. Surrender is an inner state of being. 

Instead, it’s realizing that those things don’t define who you are. None of that is who you are. 
It doesn’t add to you. It doesn’t take away from you. 
What you are is an infinite stream of consciousness. 
What you are is eternally free. 
What you are is freedom itself. 

We surrender to that and realize we’re not just this body, name, form, projection, personality, reputation, gender, color or religion. When we surrender those layers, we then realize, “I’m eternal. I’m free. I am infinite.” There is then the freedom to have it or not have it.

There’s an interview with Bruce Lee that’s called The Last Interview. He’s like, “Be like water.” 
You put water into a teacup, it becomes a teacup. You put water into a glass, it becomes a glass. 
You’ve got to flow but beware. 
Don’t think that water is weak. Water can kill you. Water can erode a mountain. Water is powerful. 

We’ve got to flow. There is a quote from the Tao Te Ching. I’m going to butcher the quote but it’s what Bruce Lee was alluding to. It talks about something like, 
“Even though you do nothing, everything is done.”

Life is doing through you. 

Life will do through you.

Kute Blackson

In Podcasts:
Know Thyself, by André Duqum
Change Proof, by Adam Markal
The Courage Coalition, by Corree Roofener

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