segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2024

Total Solar Eclipse in Aries – Spring Cleaning

 On April 8th, 2024 
we have the most intense eclipse of the year: 
a Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.

The Eclipse is at 19° Aries and it’s exactly conjunct Chiron.

The Sun, the Moon and Chiron align at the same degree and same minute 19° 24’ – I don’t recall ever witnessing an Eclipse with an exact aspect orb; this is BIG.

At the Total Solar Eclipse, the Sun will disappear under the beams of the Moon; similarly, the depths of our being will be revealed, as our Self will be purified and reborn.

Mercury retrograde is also conjunct the Eclipse. What’s even more extraordinary, a comet will make an appearance in the eclipsed sky. What an omen!

To say the Eclipse sky looks spectacular is an understatement. Not only will the Sun disappear in the middle of the day, and the day will become night (that if you’re on the path of the eclipse). Not only are all the personal planets now visible. We also have a comet!

This eclipse has made the headlines, and for good reasons. It IS special.

Does this mean that everyone’s life will be dramatically impacted? Not all eclipses affect us in the same way. If the eclipse makes a tight aspect to personal planets or angles in our natal chart, then yes, the Total Eclipse in Aries will most likely speak to us directly.

But even in this scenario, nothing concrete may happen on the day of the Eclipse. While some eclipses indeed trigger life-changing events, let’s not forget that these are subtle new beginning energies. We may not be aware of the magnitude of this shift just yet.

Whether this Total Solar Eclipse directly affects your chart or not, pay attention. Pay attention to the news. Pay attention to what happens to other people in your life.

North Node Eclipse In Aries – Spring Cleaning
The Aries Eclipse is a North Node Solar Eclipse, signifying fated new beginnings.

The Aries season in general – and especially the New Moon in Aries – signals that time of the year when we start anew. This is when we metaphorically engage in spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning is a way to freshen up the home after the long winter months, remove dust and dirt, and prepare the space for the warmer season ahead.

In the Southern Hemisphere, while it’s not called “spring cleaning” because it’s autumn, the idea of thorough cleaning and organizing to prepare for the change in seasons is similar.

Spring cleaning is a way to clear out the old and make space for the new. Removing the stagnant energies in dust, old clothes, or things we no longer need it’s not just a symbolic act. We literally remove the physical debris of the past, making room for fresh energy and opportunities.

Such a simple truth, yet sometimes we fail to acknowledge it. We have to let go of the old to make space for the new.

Many people want to get what they want first “If I get this, then I’ll make that change” but physics doesn’t work like this. Something new can only emerge when the space is empty and ready to receive it.

What does this concept mean in the context of the Total Eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron?

Total Solar Eclipse In Aries Conjunct Chiron
At a simplistic level, a North Node Eclipse in Aries signifies the emergence of a new “You”. Who are You, and why are you here? The pull to discover your true potential is stronger than ever.

This is a super tricky task because 90% of the time we don’t know who we are, what we want, and what our mission is. Even when we do, the message is diluted and distorted by decades of societal conditioning.

We live in this world with its rules and frameworks. From the moment we take our first breath, our thoughts, feelings, and psychological processes are shaped by the world we live in. We think we want to pursue certain careers, get married, have a family, be wealthy, or be popular, etc., because this is what society defines as success.

We are wired to ‘prove ourselves’, to ‘convince’ others of our worth. All this is rooted in our Chiron wound of inadequacy. All our issues, everything we do in this life stems from the Chiron wound of not knowing who we are, of needing acceptance and validation in order to feel whole.

We believe that if we do well by society’s standards, if some ‘authority’ or higher power acknowledges us and tells us how great we are, all our issues will be solved. So we try hard to fit into the molds society has created, either by ‘fitting in’ or by ‘fighting back.

The way Aries tries to heal the Chiron identity wound is by fighting head-on. “They don’t see me, but they will”, “I’ll fight to prove them wrong”, “I’ll show them who I really am.”

We try to force our way through. We want to ‘win’ – so that the world can see us, and acknowledge us.

But the irony of this is that the harder we try, the farther away we move from our authentic selves.

When we fight the ‘establishment’ what we really do is to validate it. We give it our power. We allow it to define who WE are.

When we fight ‘patriarchal society’ we indirectly reinforce its unwritten rules. When we fight our devouring mothers, we emulate them, perpetuating the pattern. When we try to convince our manager that we are worthy of a promotion, we undermine our true value.

Of course, we can try to fight the system. And if we’re very determined, we might score some small wins here and there. But at what price? Is it worth it? Does it really make a difference? Does it make us happy?

Total Solar Eclipse - The Wound And The Gift
The Chiron in Aries identity wound is especially poignant for minorities, foreigners, and other marginalized groups. When we are a minority – and we all are, at least in one sector of our life – we try to ‘fit in’ by copying the majority.

But no matter how hard we try, to what extent we mold our personalities to fit in, we never truly blend in or feel completely accepted.

This effort is futile. Why? Because we can only be ourselves. We cannot be someone else. We will always be very good at being ourselves… and at very best, mediocre at being someone else.

Healing the Chiron identity wound is to an extent accepting that we will never truly ‘fit in’ in this world.

Transforming our wound into a gift is understanding that we are not supposed to.

It’s not ‘playing by the rules’ or ‘being someone else’ that will help us find our place in this world.

It’s being ourselves that will do it. Perhaps you’re not supposed to climb the corporate ladder. Perhaps you’re meant to do your own thing.

That which is odd or different about you is what makes you special. It’s what brings something new to the world. It’s your gift to the world.

It’s by cultivating your uniqueness that will fulfill your purpose in life.

Here are some 
Aries Eclipse messages 
and reflection prompts:
  • You are not a victim; you are the hero of your own life
  • Your past does not define you; you can start again, right here, right now
  • There’s nothing to prove; the truth doesn’t need validation
  • Let other people be who they are; by acknowledging their unique light, you’re honoring your own
  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable; vulnerability is raw life force; vulnerability creates opportunities
  • Your wound is your greatest gift
  • You are here for a reason; the world needs that unique gift that only you have
  • Role-model the change you want to see by living authentically and with integrity
  • Be yourself; those who are supposed to will recognize you

Chiron In Your Natal Chart

When we analyze our Chiron natal chart placement, we look at 1) our Chiron sign, 2) our Chiron house and 3) the aspects Chiron makes with other planets in our chart.

All these dimensions will give us a picture of our “Chiron profile”.

The 1st Chiron dimension is your Chiron sign. Your Chiron sign represents the special mission your generation is called to fulfill.

The 2nd Chiron dimension - and the most important, because it’s the most personal - is your Chiron house placement. The Chiron house placement shows where Chiron’s energy is expressed in your chart, and how Chiron influences you on a daily basis.

The 3rd Chiron dimension is the aspects Chiron makes with other planets in your chart.

Your Chiron aspects with other planets will reveal which areas of your life are influenced by Chiron. If, for example, Chiron makes an aspect with Venus, the planet of relationships, this means that your relationships are influenced by Chiron.

Out of these 3 dimensions, your Chiron house placement is the most personal and intimate.

We share the same Chiron sign with everyone born in the same year. If your Chiron is in Aries for example, (roughly) everyone born from 1968 to 1977 also has Chiron in Aries. Your Chiron sign placement describes genetic influences that people born in your generation have been asked to address.

But it’s your Chiron house placement that will reveal the nature of your wound.

Each Chiron house placement describes a particular wounding archetype. 

Chiron in the 12th house – “The Exiled”
Chiron in the 12th house is “The Exiled”. People with Chiron in your 12th house carry a deep wound that they find difficult to trace.

This wound has likely been inflicted during the pre-birth, gestation phase, or it may have been passed down from their ancestors through genetic memory.

Because a 12th house wounding event is difficult to recall, people with this Chiron placement go to great lengths to find themselves and get to the root of their suffering.

They may try multiple healing approaches, or travel far and away across long distances, even continents, in an attempt to find themselves and heal their wound.

Mercury Conjunct Chiron In Aries

Mercury will stay within the conjunction orb with Chiron and the North Node for a very long time, activating opportunities to revisit and rewrite self-sabotaging patterns of thinking.

During this transit (which is active until May 7th, 2024), we can find healing by addressing old wounds and embracing new perspectives that align with our highest potential.

The Mercury-Chiron conjunction on March 20th, 2024 is the first conjunction in a series of 3. The other conjunctions happen on April 15th, 2024, at 20° Aries (with Mercury retrograde) and the 3rd on May 7th, 2024, at 21° Aries.

While the exact dates mark the energy peak of the transit, Mercury conjunct Chiron is active for the whole period – from now until mid-May. This is an intense transit that will influence every single one of us.

Mercury Conjunct Chiron In Aries – The Identity Wound
The Mercury-Chiron conjunction happens in the sign of Aries. Aries is the sign of “I am”. Aries is our identity.

Therefore, Mercury conjunct Chiron will be triggering our identity wound.

No matter how confident and accomplished we are, we all have a deeply ingrained identity wound, because we all suffered at some point from feelings of rejection and abandonment.

Whenever someone abandoned or rejected us, it inherently questioned our existence. “Do I have the right to be here?” “Does my existence really matter?” “Who am I?”

These are the fundamental questions that the Mercury-Chiron conjunction in Aries will bring to the surface.

Mercury Conjunct Chiron – The Story Of Your Identity Wound
Mercury in astrology represents the ‘general narrative’ – the way we make sense of the world, the overall accepted ‘story’, what we tell ourselves, what we believe to be true.

Therefore, Mercury conjunct Chiron will reveal the ‘general narrative’ or the story of our Chiron wound. More precisely, the story of our identity wound (Chiron in Aries).

The story of our wound may feel unique to you; however, it can be traced through our family lineage, potentially spanning generations back.

North Node in Aries is also involved in this transit; Mercury is not only conjunct Chiron, but also the North Node.

Lunar Nodes show up all the time in family dynamics, highlighting patterns that are inherited through generations. If the South Node is past karma that needs to be released and transformed, the North Node is the opportunity to change our karma, and rewrite our destiny.

When Mercury aligns with Chiron and the North Node, we have a unique opportunity to delve into the deeply ingrained patterns inherited from our family, and understand the ways they have affected our sense of individuality and purpose.

Here are examples of Mercury-Chiron in Aries narratives that may arise in the next weeks:

“I am flawed”
This is when the person believes – due to real experiences of rejection or interpreted cues from their family, that they are flawed, perhaps because their family wanted a child with different qualities, of a different gender, or with a different appearance.

This rejection drives them to alter their personality so that they conform to what is expected. This approach is, of course, self-defeating because we can only be ourselves, NOT someone else.

“I am a burden”
The child was born ‘by accident’, or in a family with material problems or other types of burdens. The child was either abandoned in the hands of other family members or caregivers and/or was made feel like a burden.

They might have been told “I have sacrificed myself for you”, basically accused of being an obstacle, preventing the parent from fulfilling their own goals.

“I am a carbon copy of my family”
In this narrative, the child was expected to adopt the family’s values, beliefs, social behavior, or social status. Any deviation from the ‘norm’ was seen as a betrayal.

Unconsciously, the child believes their existence is validated only within the context of the family ‘story’, and that they cannot ‘exist’ outside this story. Therefore, their unique individuality is invalidated and denied.

The child grappling with this narrative believes they can’t surpass their family members. For instance, if no family member went to university, the child may sabotage themselves and ‘fail’ the exams to enter university so that they don’t change the family narrative.

“I am a sinner”
In this narrative, the child internalizes a sense of wrongdoing or guilt associated with natural impulses, desires, or pleasures.

Due to sexual repression, religious or cultural beliefs, the family’s imposition of restrictive norms leads the child to perceive their innate instincts and desires as sinful or morally wrong.

This internal conflict inhibits the child from fully embracing life, trusting their instincts, and realizing their potential.

In all these narratives, the Aries-like qualities of assertiveness, independence, and self-expression are stifled.

These scenarios are not meant to foster resentment towards our family, nor to make us feel like victims.

In fact, the more we look into these family dynamics, the more we understand the deep roots of these patterns. Our parents have likely inherited these stories from their own parents, and this goes back through generations.

However, just because these stories exist for decades – or even centuries – this doesn’t mean we must continue to perpetuate them.

Mercury Conjunct Chiron In Aries – Healing The Identity Wound
The good news is that the upcoming Mercury-Chiron transit – accompanied by the North Node – is a unique opportunity to 1) understand the deeper dynamics of this identity wound and 2) rewrite this script that has been passed down for generations.

Your family (his)story has shaped you, but it does not define you. You can break the cycle. You can rewrite the script.

You are not flawed. You are you – a unique individual who may or may not resemble what your family expects or desires. Your worth is inherent and not defined by others’ perceptions of you.

You are not a burden. You are here for a reason; the fact that you were born in some difficult circumstances does not invalidate your existence.

You are not a carbon copy of your family. While we share DNA with our relatives, we are all unique individuals, with a unique story and individual mission to fulfill. Your identity is not confined to the expectations or limitations set by your family.

You are not a sinner. Pleasure is the portal to our essence and personal creativity. You CAN trust your impulses and your creative genius. They will direct you toward fulfillment and authenticity.

Mercury Conjunct Chiron – The Gift Inside The Wound
You may wonder – then why all these struggles? Why do we have to experience the wound and the challenges associated with it?

Because there is a hidden treasure in the wound.

It’s all the things we do to heal, all the lessons we learn, and all the strengths we develop to overcome adversity that shape our unique potential, eventually transforming our wound into our greatest gift.

The Mercury-Chiron conjunction on March 20th, 2024 is just the beginning of the unveiling of the ‘wound story’. More and more layers will be revealed as the transit develops over the next few weeks.

In addition to Mercury conjunct Chiron and North Node, we have two powerful eclipses; a Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th, 2024, with Mercury conjunct Chiron and the North Node, and a Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th, 2024, exactly conjunct Chiron.

These transits come with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rewrite our karmic patterns.

This time we can truly break the cycle.

The upcoming weeks will offer more clues on what exactly you need to do to rewrite the story of your wound so you can unlock your full potential, and live the life you are meant to be living.

Chiron Conjunct North Node in Aries – Breaking the Cycle

Chiron is our deepest wound, and also the gift that emerges when this wound is embraced and alchemised.

Chiron is one of the top astrology-related searches on the internet; there is something about Chiron, there is something about the enigmatic nature of the wounded healer archetype and the promise of healing.

The Lunar Nodes are abstract points where the paths of the Sun and Moon intersect, signifying the intersection of our past and future – our karmic journey.

The South Node is more directly connected to our past karma; when we talk of karma in a resigned, “I can’t change this” fatalistic type of way, we refer to the South Node.

The North Node, on the other hand, is the opportunity to change our karma, and rewrite our destiny.
Lunar Nodes show up all the time in family dynamics, highlighting patterns that are inherited through generations (and as some say, across soul incarnations). If the South Node is past karma that needs to be released and transformed, the North Node is inviting new karma in.

The North Node still deals with our karma because it deals with our direction in life. But it’s that direction in life we can change. As long as we are alive – no matter how old we are – we can still change our life. We can still fulfill our human potential.

Chiron Conjunct North Node In Aries – Why It’s Important
Astrology lovers are equally fascinated with Chiron, and the North Node – and for good reasons.

Both archetypes speak about elements of our existence that feel elusive, fated, and at the same very significant.

It’s said that Chiron is the “wound that never heals”. The North Node is our “life purpose”.

These are transformative archetypes that profoundly shape our understanding of ourselves and our path in life.

So when Chiron and the North Node meet, it’s a big deal, because we have a unique opportunity to understand how our deepest wound – and the healing of this wound – aligns with the broader context of our life purpose.

The reason we call the “Chiron wound” the “deepest wound” is because it eludes easy understanding. It is subtle. It goes beyond conscious memory. In most cases, it can be traced generations back, lingering beneath the surface of our consciousness, yet profoundly influencing our lives and behaviors.

We need a fresh, revolutionary perspective to break the conditioning of this deep Chiron wound.

And that’s exactly what the North Node offers.

When the North Node meets Chiron, we have a unique opportunity to look at this wound from a different angle, and re-write our karmic patterns. This time we can truly break the cycle.

The Wound Of Existence And The Chiron Dilemma
Chiron is said to be our deepest wound, but also our greatest gift.

Our deepest wound, because it stems from the depths of our psyche.

Our greatest gift – because healing that deep wound leaves a type of legacy that transcends individual suffering, and becomes a guiding light for generations to come.

The Chiron wound – as we know from the Chiron myth, but also from experiential observation – is primarily related to abandonment and rejection. Chiron was born half-human, half-horse. Disgusted by his appearance, his parents abandon him.

But if we dig deeper we can understand the real reason for this rejection.

Kronos (Saturn), his father, turned himself into a horse to seduce Philyra (a young maiden).

So the result of the gene pool was Chiron; we inherit 50% of the genes from our father, and 50% from our mother, and so did Chiron, hence being born half-horse, half-human.

So Kronos and Philyra didn’t reject Chiron simply because he was ‘ugly’ – they rejected him because he reminded them of themselves.

We could go as far as to say that they didn’t reject Chiron; they rejected themselves; more exactly, they rejected their genetic legacy, as a living potential of their shared essence.

When people are not happy with themselves, or with the place they’re at in their life, they will unconsciously reject, or find flaws in everything they create.

If this dissatisfaction is overcompensated, the newborn becomes a container of parental aspirations. “I don’t believe I’m capable of achieving my dreams, so I project them onto you, my child, to fulfill in my stead.”

The child becomes a vessel for their parents’ aspirations, unfulfilled desires, missed potential and unresolved traumas.

Either because they see the child as a ‘mini-me’, or, in their desire to bring the best possible opportunities to their child, parents may unconsciously create scenarios that don’t necessarily allow a spontaneous expression of the child’s unique gifts and individuality. “I always wanted to be a musician, so I’ll take my child to piano lessons”.

While passing down our legacy is a natural inclination, this guided path can inadvertently stifle the child’s self-discovery and authentic expression.
Yet, there is value in this ‘guided framework’ because it provides a foundation from which the child can explore their interests and talents, offering a sense of direction and purpose.

And it’s exactly this dynamic (working with, vs. fighting against ancestral legacy) that propels the individual towards growth and self-realization.

It’s the Chiron existential dilemma that initiates a quest for self-discovery. The Chiron wound comes packaged with our existence. It’s part of being human.

We sometimes find ourselves feeling resentful towards our parents and society. “You made me this way, it’s your fault”.

But we forget that that’s how life works. We are biological beings. We have DNA – and DNA is designed to pass down not just biological traits but also emotional and psychological legacies.

Generational trauma has its silver lining. If our ancestors experienced a traumatic event and then had children, this means they’ve survived; they’ve ‘made it’ – and passed on that resilience and survival instinct to us.

Being angry with our parents, our society, or God it’s like being angry with physics, biology or nature.

This is not to absolve them from wrongdoings, or ‘forgive’ without proper processing. The Chiron work is not about “letting go” – if “letting go” means neglecting, denying, or brushing under the carpet the wounds and traumas that need to be acknowledged and healed.

The ‘Chiron work’ is about working within the framework of our humanity – with its beauty and limitations. It’s through the acceptance and integration of our ancestral legacy that we transcend mere existence to find our wholeness, and ultimately reveal our unique gift.

Chiron Conjunct North Node In Aries – Who Am I?
The Chiron-North Node conjunction happens in Aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac. Aries is our identity.
Chiron conjunct North Node in Aries will ask us to answer some very important questions:

  • Who am I? 
  • Who am I stripped of layers of conditioning, family history and expectations?
  • What makes me feel ALIVE? 
  • What ignites my passion and compels me to engage with the world around me?

Aries is the LIFE energy, that seed that only needs a spark of ignition to burst into existence. Connect with that spark, with that primal energy that sets everything into motion – from the Big Bang, to your first breath.
You are ALIVE.

You are here for a reason, and it’s never too late to embrace your purpose and make a difference in the world.

Chiron Conjunct North Node In Aries – Breaking The Cycle
We’re connected with our family through genes and shared experiences. There’s an unbreakable connection. For deep healing and personal growth to happen, at some point, we need to understand how these family knots have shaped our identity.

Complex trauma, PTSD, phobias, and unresolved emotional patterns are all rooted in unspoken legacies passed down from generation to generation. Chances are, if you can’t make sense of what’s ‘wrong’ with your life, there’s something inherited at play.

Look at your family history. Do you see repeating themes? Addictions? Relationship patterns?

Perhaps your parents, grandparents, or great grandparents didn’t have the opportunity to process everything. What is not processed, is passed down.

Your history has shaped you, but it does not define you. You can break the cycle. You can rewrite the script.

Pay attention to any insights and downloads that come to you when Chiron is conjunct the North Node.

While nothing concrete may happen right away, the transit will awaken something inside of you, something that will become obvious in March-April, when we have an Aries stellium, including an Eclipse conjunct Chiron.

Chiron conjunct North Node in Aries is your opportunity to reclaim your identity and change the trajectory of your lineage. It’s your unique chance to break free from inherited patterns and create a new narrative for yourself and future generations.

Venus and Chiron – Face To Face With The Wound

Chiron in Aries is our identity wound. 
Venus is how we relate to the world, especially in the context of our 1-on-1 relationships.

Venus and Chiron in Aries will expose the tension between our identity wound (“Who am I?” “Do I have the right to be here?”) and our desire to be liked and appreciated by others.

Every time we are in a relationship – any kind of relationship – there is a subtle battle between authentically preserving our identity, and adapting to others, so they can ‘like’ us or at least accept us.

When we relate, we are in a constant negotiation between our need for connection and a fear of losing ourselves.

This intense dynamic leads to a psychological phenomenon that psychologists call “projection”.

Projection happens when we place our own unconscious traits or emotions onto others.

We feel a simultaneous need to connect with others and be accepted for who we are, AND a fear of being rejected because we’ve shown ‘too much’ or because we’ve shown something that is (or we think it is) undesirable.

To deal with the tension, we often gravitate towards one of the 2 scenarios:

1. We identify with Chiron in Aries.

We feel split, conflicted, and unloved – and look for a partner who can fill that void and make us feel whole again.

2. We identify with the Venus in Libra people-pleaser.

We’re so wired to prioritize other people’s feelings that we don’t even know who we are, let alone what we want. In an overcompensation attempt, we attract a Chiron in Aries type of partner whose ‘madness’ and search for individuality will help us recognize our own identity.

When this relationship dynamic can get activated, and if this wounding dynamic is not recognized, we can get trapped into toxic or abusive relationships that don’t, or only superficially tap into Chiron’s healing potential.

There IS a way to navigate this dynamic and find a silver lining: 
By bringing awareness to the wounding patterns that arise during the tension, we can consciously engage in open communication (thanks to Mercury) about our vulnerabilities and fears.

When we are unconscious of the Venus-Chiron dynamic, we attract people, and engage in relating patterns that keep us trapped in the wound, without a clear path to healing.

When instead we work with the opposition’s energy consciously, we get to the root causes of our wounds, and heal.

  • Unconscious ways of dealing with a Chiron-Venus wound involve being attracted, and attracting people to people who trigger a victim-perpetrator, or narcissist-empath relating dynamic.
  • Conscious ways of dealing with a Chiron-Venus wound include therapy, doing self-reflection, or having a constructive and open discussion about our emotional needs and vulnerabilities.

How do we know the difference?

  • If you feel triggered (for good or for bad), magnetically drawn, or inexplicably compelled toward someone or something, then probably there are unconscious dynamics at play.
  • If instead you feel vulnerable, yet empowered to address and understand these feelings, then you are likely approaching the situation consciously.

This is an invitation to explore the wounded parts of ourselves with curiosity and kindness, while cultivating authentic connections both with ourselves and others.

Pay attention to any feelings, relating patterns or insights that emerge these days. 
Pay attention to all upcoming Chiron transits. 
Do the Chiron work.

The Venus-Chiron opposition is just a teaser – and an opportunity to get a taste of Chiron’s healing potential.

But there’s something much bigger coming.

When the North Node conjunct Chiron we will have a unique opportunity to “break the cycle”, re-write unhealthy conditioning, and become the person we are meant to be.

Astro Butterfly

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